IDMNYU / DM-GY6063-sp16-finalprojects

Interactive book containing final projects from Creative Coding Spring 2016
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Morgan Kaschak Final Projects #16

Open kaschakm opened 8 years ago

kaschakm commented 8 years ago

If I were a Star Wars Story: Now that Disney has purchased the rights to Star Wars they intend on releasing a new Star Wars movie every year. What will these Star Wars movies be about? To develop some possibilities I have recreated the opening crawl from Return of the Jedi and every ten seconds words are replaced to create a new story. You're welcome Disney!

If I were a Time Traveller: Aside from the butterfly effect, time travel would be pretty great. To represent time travel, here is a clock with the blue lines traveling to different times. The red circle has pods going to these times. On the bottom right are the destination dates. Eventually the time lines fill the clock showing how time and space are interwoven. Safe travels!

If I were a New Yorker Cartoonist: New Yorker cartoons, always attempting to be high brow, are sometimes funny, and sometimes not. Apply a joke to the cartoon by clicking on the High Brow Joke Creator. If you don't like the joke, try again! Is it funny? Do you get it? Even if it's not, don't worry, someone else will say they get it.

indefinit commented 8 years ago

Hi @kaschakm , Thanks for submitting these. Could you go to: and make sure your UI elements aren't overlapped with the page navigation? If so, please move your UI to the lower section of the page. Thanks!

Re: If I were a Star Wars Story, I think this would be more powerful if you added more left/right margin to the text. It still seems a bit wide on the page to me.

Re: If I were a New Yorker Cartoonist, I seem to recall the mouths moving in a previous iteration. Is this still the case?

kaschakm commented 8 years ago

Hi Prof. Siwoff,

I increased the margins for Star Wars. I was worried I would make them too indented for smaller monitors.

I lowered the button for New Yorker Cartoonist so that it is now below the page navigation buttons. Yes, the mouths moved in an earlier version but to prevent the text of the jokes from writing over itself I needed to utilize noLoop() which interfered with the moving mouth.

Please let me know what you think of the updates. Thanks.

indefinit commented 8 years ago


aprilmutuc commented 8 years ago

I actually think the 2nd one is SUPER artistic. Awesome sketch.

ys1224 commented 8 years ago

The second one was actually cool, maybe noStroke make it better?

sameehanjpatel commented 8 years ago

I thought the time one was my favorite! It was really artistic

maggiieelee commented 8 years ago

I think the second one is actually very artistic! Love it!

jyotsna87 commented 8 years ago

I really like the Star wars story! Great job! :)

cmenegusWHAT commented 8 years ago

Awesome use of Rita! Maybe adjusting the background in the second one to have greater contrast to the red and blue would make it pop more? Great stuff!

patrickmoraitis commented 8 years ago

Great use of Rita!

Timeless animation, very cool effect! Maybe speed it up a bit, or add a control to allow users to adjust speed.

Mhgarber commented 8 years ago

I love the New Yorker cartoonist one. You should try submitting some to their weekly contest.

aurobri commented 8 years ago

Very cool. I liked the cartoonist story

lillianjwarner commented 8 years ago

The New Yorker cartoonist one made me laugh. Awesome work!

marijkeypantz commented 8 years ago

I think the mandala one is strong. The New Yorker jokes are also really funny.

jchabra commented 8 years ago

The New Yorker one is really funny! Good job!