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EPUB Vocabularies
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Title and headings — Consistency #1

Closed JayPanoz closed 7 years ago

JayPanoz commented 7 years ago

Link to section:

As a non-native english speaker, I don't get why subtitle has “phrasing content descendants of heading content” in its HTML context while label and ordinal don't, the text label preceding an ordinal in a component title.

So and correct me if I'm wrong, are those two inflections meant to be used like this?

   <span epub:type="label">Chapter</span> 
   <span epub:type="ordinal">1</span>


  <span epub:type="label">Figure</span> 
  <span epub:type="ordinal">B1</span>

Does the HTML context actually apply to descendants of heading-content, li and figcaption, or am I missing something? I must admit I'm not sure at all when comparing those two drafts to subtitle

[edit] Also, authoring practices/examples would be very warmly welcome (applies to DPUB Aria Roles as well) cos’ sometimes, it’s quite complex for non-native english speakers to make sense of some inflections.

mattgarrish commented 7 years ago

Yes, "Phrasing content descendants of" is currently missing from the ordinal and label descriptions. They aren't intended to be used directly on heading, list items or figure caption elements.

mattgarrish commented 7 years ago

See also the examples in the edupub vocabulary:

JayPanoz commented 7 years ago

OK thanks!

mattgarrish commented 7 years ago

I've updated the usage description in the following commit

I'll close this and add the issue to the main tracker so that the edupub description gets updated when we return to it.