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Update for Introduction to CIAM #125

Open meneer opened 9 months ago

meneer commented 9 months ago

1) lifecycle There is no ref to the identity lifecycle management article (there is a ref to the document,m but the lifecycle is not consistent. Olav would (on my request, see github...) amend the article, including the CIAM lifecycle. Now this CIAM article is not aligned with the BoK article. This should be fixed to prevent misalignment.

2) self-service Identity management in CIAM is self-registration, a self-service featureset. It is described, more or less, but it can be made an explicite difference compar3d to IGA.

3): IDaaS missing CiAM versus IDaaS, or CIAM is IDaaS + CRM (+profiling...) +consentmgt

4: Re social login When using social login the soc id connection is terminated at the ciam portal and then the idaas generates an internal identity that is not accessible outside. It's like a façade. A diagram would help.