IDR / idr-metadata

Curated metadata for all studies published in the Image Data Resource
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idr0051-fulton-tailbudlightsheet S-BIAD815 #653

Open dominikl opened 1 year ago

dominikl commented 1 year ago

Export time: 17 min / plate Import time: 4 hours.

dominikl commented 1 year ago

Currently converting on pilot-zarr1-dev , will be available in /data/idr0051.

will-moore commented 1 year ago

Looks done:

(base) [wmoore@pilot-zarr1-dev ~]$ ls -l /data/idr0051
total 0
drwxrwxr-x. 4 dlindner dlindner 76 Jun 12 12:18 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney1_20180712-163837_p00_c00_preview.ome.zarr
drwxrwxr-x. 4 dlindner dlindner 76 Jun 12 12:53 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.ome.zarr
drwxrwxr-x. 4 dlindner dlindner 76 Jun 12 14:36 2018-06-28_21ss_DMSO_TF_20180628-185945_p00_c00_reg_preview.ome.zarr
drwxrwxr-x. 4 dlindner dlindner 76 Jun 12 14:46 embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.ome.zarr
drwxrwxr-x. 4 dlindner dlindner 76 Jun 12 15:40 embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.ome.zarr
dominikl commented 1 year ago

👍 Yes, finised.

will-moore commented 1 year ago

To zip each dir... (remove / etc)

for i in */; do zip -r "${i%/}.zip" "$i"; done

will-moore commented 1 year ago
$ aws --endpoint-url s3 mb s3://idr0051
make_bucket: idr0051
$ aws --endpoint-url s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket idr0051 --policy file://policy.json
$ aws --endpoint-url s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket idr0051 --cors-configuration file://cors.json

Should have run in a Screen as this took too long and lost connection...

/home/wmoore/mc cp -r idr0051/ uk1s3/idr0051/zarr
...g_preview.klb.ome.zarr/0/1/45/0/338/0/0: 14.32 GiB / 14.43 GiB ━━━━━━━
will-moore commented 1 year ago

Started running again, in a screen this time...

/home/wmoore/mc cp -r idr0051/ uk1s3/idr0051/zarr

$ /home/wmoore/mc cp -r idr0051/ uk1s3/idr0051/zarr
...e.zarr/OME/METADATA.ome.xml: 18.03 GiB / 18.03 GiB ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3.92 MiB/s 
$ /home/wmoore/mc ls uk1s3/idr0051/zarr
[2023-06-26 13:10:54 UTC]     0B 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney1_20180712-163837_p00_c00_preview.ome.zarr/
[2023-06-26 13:10:54 UTC]     0B 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.ome.zarr/
[2023-06-26 13:10:54 UTC]     0B 2018-06-28_21ss_DMSO_TF_20180628-185945_p00_c00_reg_preview.ome.zarr/
[2023-06-26 13:10:54 UTC]     0B embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.ome.zarr/
[2023-06-26 13:10:54 UTC]     0B embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.ome.zarr/
will-moore commented 1 year ago

Initial rendering in vizarr is poor because single channel is grey:


since vizarr doesn't take into account the greyscale setting.

Seen in validator: Image

will-moore commented 1 year ago
$ ./ascp -P33001 -i ../etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh -d /data/idr0051/idr0051
180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney1_20180712-163837_p00                                                                         100% 1818MB 84.0Mb/s    02:02    
180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney_p00_c00_reg_preview.                                                                         100% 5430MB  210Mb/s    07:48    
2018-06-28_21ss_DMSO_TF_20180628-185945_p00_c                                                                         100%  878MB 87.3Mb/s    08:44    
embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_previe                                                                         100% 2156MB  205Mb/s    11:15    
embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_previe                                                                         100% 2153MB 95.9Mb/s    13:46    
Completed: 12736265K bytes transferred in 827 seconds
 (126115K bits/sec), in 5 files, 1 directory.
will-moore commented 11 months ago

Following link from I can open the submission at

I was hoping that the files for that submission would be available at a URL: but this gives:


(this URL is based on previous idr0054 study data being available at

will-moore commented 11 months ago

Data available at E.g.

To harvest the uuids we need...

let csv = "";
$("#viewable tbody tr").each(function() {
    let $this = $(this);
    if ($("a", $this).length == 0) return
    let uid = $( "a:first", $this).attr("href").replace(".html", "");
    let zarrzip = $( "td:nth-child(3)", $this).text();
    csv += `${zarrzip},${uid}\n`

Gives me:


Only 4 out of 5 zips are "viewable" above (unzipped onto s3). idr0051/ failed to unzip

will-moore commented 10 months ago

Moving back to EBI column since we don't yet have all 5 images on s3 yet. Discussed via e-mail. EBI will look at getting all images processed.

will-moore commented 10 months ago

This has been tested with mkngff at

will-moore commented 7 months ago
(venv3) [wmoore@test120-omeroreadonly-1 scripts]$ python Project:552 --max-planes=sizeC
Start: 2023-12-06 20:45:32.863680
Checking Project:552
max_planes: sizeC
max_images: 0
0/5 Check Image:4007817 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney1_20180712-163837_p00_c00_preview.pattern
1/5 Check Image:4007818 180712_H2B_22ss_Courtney_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.pattern
2/5 Check Image:4007819 2018-06-28_21ss_DMSO_TF_20180628-185945_p00_c00_reg_preview.pattern
3/5 Check Image:4007820 embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.pattern
4/5 Check Image:4007821 embryo_dmso_2_new_17-00-44_p00_c00_reg_preview.klb.pattern
End: 2023-12-06 20:45:49.510165