IDSIA / brainstorm

Fast, flexible and fun neural networks.
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2D Pooling on PyCudaHandler fails for big inputs #86

Closed Qwlouse closed 8 years ago

Qwlouse commented 8 years ago

The error:

File ".../brainstorm/layers/", line 89, in forward_pass
  File ".../brainstorm/handlers/", line 314, in maxpool2d_forward_batch
    grid=(NUM_CUDA_THREADS, 1, 1))
  File ".../lib/python3.4/site-packages/pycuda/", line 379, in function_call
pycuda._driver.LogicError: cuFuncSetBlockShape failed: invalid argument

How to reproduce: In the CIFAR-10 example change the number of maps in the first convolution to something bigger than 46 and uncomment the line with the handler to run it on GPU.