IDSIA / brainstorm

Fast, flexible and fun neural networks.
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Update installation instructions #87

Closed iver56 closed 8 years ago

iver56 commented 8 years ago

I tried to install brainstorm on a fresh Ubuntu-instance, and some steps failed. I've updated the installation steps according to what worked for me.

Kaixhin commented 8 years ago

Concurs with what I have. May also need six upgraded, but that doesn't need to be documented.

iver56 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I noticed problems with the version of six as well, but didn't write that down. I guess that should be changed in requirements.txt instead, right?

flukeskywalker commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I would not recommend installing the python packages system-wide with sudo though. It's better to install in a virtualenv, which many people already use, and keeps things clean.

iver56 commented 8 years ago

Good point. I usually use virtualenv when installing things on my laptop, but this time I just wanted to try brainstorm on a temporary virtual machine running Ubuntu, so I didn't worry about keeping things clean. It's a valid use case, though, so people might benefit from having a tutorial for it. At least I know I would like that, because I just spent two days trying to get Brainstorm and all its dependencies to interoperate properly in order to run it on the GPU, with the help of CUDA.

Btw, I just found that Caffe has a good tutorial:,-CUDA-7,-cuDNN%29

flukeskywalker commented 8 years ago

I agree. We do need a detailed tutorial in the documentation. There is some work on this in the docs branch, and we'll improve it further.

Can you tell us more about what led to difficulties in installation? We don't want it to take 2 days for anyone.

iver56 commented 8 years ago
Kaixhin commented 8 years ago

FYI I've made CPU-only and CUDA Docker images to have preinstalled distributions of Brainstorm available for download. You can either copy the format from the Lasagne docs or ask me to do it once the docs branch is merged.

iver56 commented 8 years ago

Perfect! I would have used that if I knew about it :)

flukeskywalker commented 8 years ago

Thanks guys!

I'll merge this for now, and point to @Kaixhin's scripts in the docs soon.

Unfortunately, CUDA installation can (still!) be cumbersome but we can't really do much about that.