Updated snackbar to use localStorage instead of relying on URL parameters. This means that snackbars don't keep appearing on page reloads.
dashboard page 3
Rename dashboard page 3 to "Query Topics" since we're not doing content gaps yet and updated the logos to nicer ones
Change layout to use Paper and Box instead of Grids
AI box doesn't show if discovery has never been run
Button is aware of whether discovery has been run or not.
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Future tasks
Save the refreshing state of the discovery button to localStorage (or some other way of tracking that the process is still ongoing) so that if the user changes tab / leaves and comes back the button still shows that it's still working...
Fill with x for completed.
[x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project
[x] I have reviewed my own code to ensure good quality
[x] I have tested the functionality of my code to ensure it works as intended
Reviewer: @markbotterill Estimate: 15mins
Fixes: Cleanup
How has this been tested?
Future tasks
Fill with
for completed.