IE-482-582 / fall2019

Course materials for the Fall 2019 semester of IE 482/582
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Practice World for Wanderbot #14

Open cmurray3 opened 5 years ago

cmurray3 commented 5 years ago

Class, I've attached a new Gazebo world for your Wanderbot to explore (see link at bottom of message).

  1. Please extract the attached files into your ~/catkin_ws/src/world_demo/scripts directory.
    • To make sure they were extracted to the proper location, open a terminal and issue the following two commands one-at-a-time:
      cd ~/catkin_ws/src/world_demo/scripts

      You should see small_maze.xls, small_maze.launch, and

  2. Open a terminal and issue the following two commands one-at-a-time:
    cd ~/catkin_ws/src/world_demo/scripts
    roslaunch world_demo small_maze.launch
  3. Run your Wanderbot code.