IE-482-582 / fall2019

Course materials for the Fall 2019 semester of IE 482/582
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Problem with launching gazebo using turtlebot_world.launch #9

Open Bandreu1006 opened 5 years ago

Bandreu1006 commented 5 years ago

I am currently still having the same problem that we had in lecture on friday with gazebo crashing after if fails to launch. The command i entered was "roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch" and no matter what i changed the amount of resources to, the virtual machine doesnt change the outcome of gazebo crashing and potentially my virtual machine crashing. I notice that gazebo always crashes when the physics start initiating.

dave816 commented 5 years ago

try this I think this package needs to be updated it worked on mine. sudo apt upgrade libignition-math2