IE-482-582 / spring2023

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Issues Installing the Ubuntu Virtual Machine #1

Open cmurray3 opened 1 year ago

cmurray3 commented 1 year ago
  1. If you receive an error message like VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED).:

    • Scroll down to the bottom of the installation instructions and see the troubleshooting section.
  2. If you receive an error message like Compressed image is corrupted 'C:\Users\myname\ubuntu_1404_vm_F18-disk001.vmdk' (VERR_ZIP_CORRUPTED):

    • I’m guessing that one of the following has happened:

      1. The .ova file didn’t download completely before you tried to install it. The file should be about 4.4 GB.
      2. When you downloaded the file, it was compressed/zipped. The filename should end in .ova…if it ends in .zip that means it was compressed (and you’ll have to unzip it before trying to import).
      3. The .ova file is getting corrupted when you download it. You might try finding a classmate who has successfully installed the virtual machine and copy his/her .ova file to a USB stick.
      4. VirtualBox corrupted things during one of your installation attempts, and you’ll need to remove the virtual machine. Try searching on your laptop for the VirtualBox VMs folder and delete it. Then try importing the .ova again.

      If none of these steps work, I would suggest uninstalling VirtualBox and re-starting the process.

  3. During "Guest Additions" installation, if you get an error message like: Could not mount the media/drive 'C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso' (VERR_PDM_MEDIA_LOCKED).:

    1. Close your virtual machine (but leave VirtualBox running).

    2. Right-click on your virtual machine (ubuntu_1404_vm_f18) --> settings --> storage. You should see the VBoxGuestAddition.iso file attached to the controller:IDE.

    3. You need to remove this reference to the ISO image. right-click --> remove.

    4. Click the + button to add a new "optical drive" and leave it empty. --> ok. This will free the device and allow you to mount the guest additions once the VM is restarted.

    5. Start your virtual machine again and from the VirtualBox top menu, select Devices --> Install Guest Additions...

  4. If you get a "E_invalidarg" error when trying to import the virtual image, you might try downloading the file from a different browser.

    • A student last semester was originally using Edge, which apparently failed to download the entire file. He then enabled VT-D and downloaded with Chrome. This seemed to resolve the issue.
cmurray3 commented 1 year ago

Here's an issue/fix from a student in a previous semester:

When launching the Ubuntu virtual machine, after Ubuntu splash screen and logs, I get a with a blinking cursor that takes no input. I was able to use Alt+F2 to switch TTY sessions and login through the terminal, but no graphics on Alt+F1. The issue seems similar to the one here.

It seems I was able to fix this problem by turning on 3D Acceleration in the Display settings (VirtualBox Settings -> Display -> Screen), with the Graphics Controller still on "VMSVGA" ("VBoxVGA" also did not work). I'm not sure what the problem was, but hopefully this will help someone.

ne-gul commented 1 year ago

When opening VM, it was default set to full screen display, and I was getting only a black screen. In virtual box settings, I went to "user interface" and changed "visual state" to "Normal (window)". Now when I open VM, I only drag open the screen to a window size, instead of letting it go to full screen.

cmurray3 commented 1 year ago

If you are

  1. A Mac user, and
  2. are still experiencing issues installing VirtualBox

then you might consider trying UTM for Mac.

Installation instructions are described below.

1. Download UTM for Mac from Github:

2. Install ROS and other software according to these instructions:

If you are running WINDOWS and are still unable to get VirtualBox running properly, please see me before class today.

Mihir-Jdv-1299 commented 1 year ago

Did anyone get it running on their Mac M1 efficiently? If yes, please provide inputs.