IE-482-582 / spring2023

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Human moving around in Gazebo World #15

Open cmurray3 opened 1 year ago

cmurray3 commented 1 year ago

The attached .zip archive contains code for spawning a Gazebo world with a human that walks around randomly.

The package is called simple_human

Installation Instructions

  1. Create the simple_human ROS package:

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    catkin_create_pkg simple_human
  2. Download the attached .zip archive and extract the files to your Downloads. This will create a directory named ~/Downloads/simple_human.

  3. Copy the downloaded files to your Catkin workspace:

    cd ~/Downloads
    cp -r simple_human/* ~/catkin_ws/src/simple_human/
  4. Recompile the simple_human package:

    cd ~/catkin_ws

Launching the Gazebo World

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/simple_human
roslaunch simple_human simple_human.launch
