IE-482-582 / spring2024

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Markdown Cheatsheets #4

Open cmurray3 opened 7 months ago

cmurray3 commented 7 months ago

We will use "markdown" extensively in this course. Here are some good resources:

If you find any other good guides, or if you discover some useful markdown commands, please reply to this message below.

cmurray3 commented 5 months ago

Just a reminder about some of the above markdown resources.

I've also put together a short demo of some common formatting styles. The raw markdown code is shown as a block quote, followed by the rendered content

# This is a top-level heading

This bullet list provides a summary of what formatting options are shown in this post:
- Headings
- Separator lines
- *Italics*, **Bold**
- [Hyperlinks](links)
- Inserting images
- Tables
- Code -- Inline
- Code -- Blocks
- Quote
- [ ] Checklist item
- [x] Completed checklist item

## This is level 2
### Level 3

I used 3 dashes to create the above separator.

*This text is in italics*.  Note, * if you leave a space after the asterisk, * you don't get the desired format.

**This text is bold**.  The same rules with the asterisks apply.

If you just paste a URL, it will be automatically recognized as a hyperlink.  Like this:
- However, if you like your links to be integrated with the text, you can [provide a link to the ROS wiki inline](

#### Level 4
Here's a checklist, with multiple levels:
- Level 1
    - Level 2.  It's indented with 4 spaces.
        - Level 3.  Yep, 8 spaces of indentation. 

If you are referring to a single programming object, like `x` or `self.myFunction()`, or `~/catkin_ws/src`, you can do so "inline" (i.e., within the sentence itself).

However, if you are going to show multiple lines of code, put them in a block:
import numpy as np

degRad = np.deg2rad(33)

I stole this table from here:

Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text

Sometimes it's nice to mark something as a quote.

Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.

  • Yogi Berra
  • [ ] This item is not done
  • [x] This one is finished.
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2 i. Hmmm?

How about a picture?

alt text

This is a top-level heading

This bullet list provides a summary of what formatting options are shown in this post:

This is level 2

Level 3

I used 3 dashes to create the above separator.

This text is in italics. Note, if you leave a space after the asterisk, you don't get the desired format.

This text is bold. The same rules with the asterisks apply.

If you just paste a URL, it will be automatically recognized as a hyperlink. Like this:

Level 4

Here's a checklist, with multiple levels:

If you are referring to a single programming object, like x or self.myFunction(), or ~/catkin_ws/src, you can do so "inline" (i.e., within the sentence itself).

However, if you are going to show multiple lines of code, put them in a block:

import numpy as np

degRad = np.deg2rad(33)

I stole this table from here:

Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph Text

Sometimes it's nice to mark something as a quote.

Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical.

  • Yogi Berra
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2 i. Hmmm?

How about a picture?

alt text