IE-670 / spring2024

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Repo for Code Collaboration #15

Open cmurray3 opened 2 months ago

cmurray3 commented 2 months ago

All, Adam has created this repository so that your groups can integrate your functions/data:

Please verify that you have access to the repo.

poulomeeub commented 2 months ago

Hi sir,

We have processed the data which can be found in this UB box link

yusufihsantokel commented 2 months ago

Hello all,

I am trying to run the function from the latest version; however I can't get any results. I am trying to run the code where there are 10 origins and 1 destination, but it generates an empty routes.csv file so I cant move further from there (because code uses the data from routes.csv).

I did some adjustments such as adding all_routes.csv file into data folder and make other codes to reference this csv file, but it did not work out well. I also examined the other separate code files (, to see if there is a problem, I did not realize anything problematic: all the separate codes seem fine, but once we try to make it work all of it at once through, it does not work...

Does any of you can successfully run the function? If yes please let me know what adjustments need to be made to make it work. Right now I am not able to produce any results unfortunately...

adamdeho commented 2 months ago

@yusufihsantokel I looked through each group's code and the logic seems correct. The problem remains with the first group. On GitHub is still the template code and is just returning a dummy object of mostly empty values. Since they did not produce the output the other groups need, you can try a workaround to convert their csv or json files into the RouteInfo dictionary. Without that format, it will not work. Group 0 should have put it in that format for you, but since they have not done so, you will need to put it in that format for the code to run.

arvindUB commented 2 months ago

Added all the necessary functionality to Please re-run and check.

Running the pre_compute_bus_routes() function will now return the routes dictionary with keys as (origin_stop_id, dest_stop_id). The values for each key are the RouteInfo objects containing all possible routes between the two stop ids.

yusufihsantokel commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your comments. By using the .csv file I finally make the whole code work apprx. 3 hours ago (I first read the all_routes.csv file directly from, then created a dictionary and RouteInfo class that is required whole system to work). There were some little bugs I encountered from all codes, fixed them and now running for all 152 origin points and 1 BNMC location. Its been running for more than 1 hour, will share the results as early as possible.