Bolded terms are bullet points belonging either to the mind map or to the data sheet
⚠️ Please note: Accepted terms and definitions appear in blue in the data sheet. Please revise your definitions and terms and colour them in blue
Unmatched terms: terms listed in the sheet and in the mindmap does not match 100%
[x] Laser intensity: Is in the data sheet but not in the mind map
[x] LaserDiodeWavelength: not in the mind map. In the data sheet is under LaserDiode. Is it necessary to include it in the ontology since we already have the LaserFrequency? Maybe rename simply to LaserWavelength
[x] Virtual metmast 🡪 under Applications in the data sheet, which does not exist. In the mind map is under Scanning geometry 🡪 multi-lidar
[x] Uncertainties under Outputs??
[x] Analog to digital converter is under ControlModule 🡪 Signal processing module. In the data sheet is under Data processing
Open Questions
[x] Wind Iris and Wind Scanner: Why remove?
[x] Some of the devices in the mind map are not in the data sheet and the other way around
[x] Are there all the devices we want to be in the list? Probably not, but the updating process is continuous.
Instances: Instances is in red in the data sheet, why? Didn’t we agree on this definition already?
Wind field reconstruction
[x] Processed data 🡪 case dependent filters (See comments)
Measurement setup
[x] needs review.
Measurement principles
[x] Comments: Should Detection type be under Measurement principles?
Bolded terms are bullet points belonging either to the mind map or to the data sheet
⚠️ Please note: Accepted terms and definitions appear in blue in the data sheet. Please revise your definitions and terms and colour them in blue
Unmatched terms: terms listed in the sheet and in the mindmap does not match 100%
Open Questions
Still need definitions