IEAWindTask37 / IEA-15-240-RWT

15MW reference wind turbine repository developed in conjunction with IEA Wind
Apache License 2.0
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Load cases for wind turbine blade optimisation in WISDEM #138

Open MassimoSirigu opened 1 year ago

MassimoSirigu commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to ask you for additional information about the optimisation of the 15 MW wind turbine blade. In particular, what kind of loads are taken into account during the optimisation? I understand that the loads are static and not dynamic, and apart from the use of the aerodynamic pressure with BEM code, are gravitational, centrifugal, and gyroscopic forces and moments taken into account somehow? I'm doing the structural analysis of the blade, both static conditions and dynamic conditions, and it seems that the last sections of the blade (around 80-100 % of the blade span) are subject to intense stresses, both longitudinal and shear stresses so I want to investigate more the optimisation inputs. Thank you in advance for your attention, Best regards Massimo Sirigu

ptrbortolotti commented 1 year ago

Hello Massimo, you are not the first spotting problems in the outer span of the blade structure. The optimization done during the design was pretty low fidelity and we don't expect that the blade structure will pass a detailed FE analysis. Alejandra Escalera Mendoza and her advisor Todd Griffith have published an AIAA paper about the structural redesign of the blade of the IEA15. The paper is listed in the readme and the output files are available on GitHub. I'd recommend looking into that study. Sam Scott at Uni Bristol has also performed similar studies. Best regards, Pietro

MassimoSirigu commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for your answer. I read the papers you mentioned. They performed a 3D FEM analysis on the wind turbine blade using Ansys. I am doing a fatigue analysis with OpenFAST and I use the internal forces from the software as input for BECAS for 2D section analysis. I tried to use beamdyn and elastodyn with modal analysis to evaluate the distribution of the mechanical stress. I wanted to know if these discrepancies are due to the optimisation algorithm that not include some forces that I'm inherently including in openFAST. Thank you

ptrbortolotti commented 1 year ago

Hello, we didn't do a fatigue analysis on the blade and so I can't really say what's happening. I can only add that by looking at the two papers listed in the readme the UT Dallas team did not see fatigue driving the design, whereas the team at Uni Bristol saw constraint violation. Good luck with your study! Best regards, Pietro