IEAWindTask37 / windIO

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Framework specific examples in WindIO #12

Open fzahle opened 1 year ago

fzahle commented 1 year ago

Hi all. I see now I’m a bit late in raising this, but we should perhaps discuss how much framework specific code and examples should be part of the WindIO repo in general. I’m perhaps more in favor of keeping the core schema clean and then host framework specific converters and examples separately. It could very quickly become very extensive if everyone should be able to push examples of their codes to this repo. And we should be sure to allow this, since we don’t want this to be a DTU/NREL centric effort.

I’m perfectly willing to be convinced otherwise, just raising it for discussion.

gbarter commented 1 year ago

I do agree with you in principle about the independence and cleanliness of the WindIO ontology and that it should ideally be separate from a particular codebase. However, when it comes to writing the yaml and building in some tests in the repository, if the only implementation of WindIO is in NREL/DTU tools, it will be hard to enforce that distinction categorically.

As for @ptrbortolotti 's new PR #11 , I have to take a deeper look to see how WISDEM-specific it is.

fzahle commented 1 year ago

My comment was mostly sparked by seeing examples with PyWake in the repo. Pietro’s PR looks to be pure yaml.

As to tests involving reading/writing WindIO files we could perhaps aim at collaborating on a tool-agnostic package for interacting with WindIO lifting out the more generic methods from our respective tools. Kenneth @kenloen has a lot of opinions on this, so let’s discuss it at the next Task 37 meeting.

gbarter commented 1 year ago

Sounds good!