IEAWindTask37 / windIO

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WindIO logo and brand name #39

Open kenloen opened 4 months ago

kenloen commented 4 months ago

The windIO format would benefit from a logo for branding and stronger visual impact.

Similarly, I think it would be good to agree on the brand name, particularly if the w should be upper or lower case:

I have my self mostly written WindIO but a see many consequentially writing it as windIO. I would like to hear if any have a strong opinion on this?!

Please add suggestions for what a logo could contain or should capture or even better a suggestion for a logo.

kilojoules commented 1 month ago

It could add to our "brand" to rename the IEAWindTask37 group to windIO, to stress that every reference system follows this data model.

kilojoules commented 1 month ago

I write it as "WindIO" when I am careful. After all, it presumably stands for Wind Input Output.