IEEEComputerSocietyUNB / ProjetoChatbot

A telegram bot to help you deal with emotions on a daily basis
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Initial Update #24

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

This PR sets up on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.

Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.

Update python-telegram-bot from 10.1.0 to 10.1.0.

Changelog ### 10.1.0 ``` Fixes changing previous behaviour: - Add urllib3 fix for socks5h support (`1085`_) - Fix send_sticker() timeout=20 (`1088`_) Fixes: - Add a caption_entity filter for filtering caption entities (`1068`_) - Inputfile encode filenames (`1086`_) - InputFile: Fix proper naming of file when reading from subprocess.PIPE (`1079`_) - Remove pytest-catchlog from requirements (`1099`_) - Documentation fixes (`1061`_, `1078`_, `1081`_, `1096`_) .. _`1061`: .. _`1068`: .. _`1078`: .. _`1079`: .. _`1081`: .. _`1085`: .. _`1086`: .. _`1088`: .. _`1096`: .. _`1099`: **2018-04-17** ``` ### 10.0.2 ``` Important fix: - Handle utf8 decoding errors (`1076`_) New features: - Added Filter.regex (`1028`_) - Filters for Category and file types (`1046`_) - Added video note filter (`1067`_) Fixes: - Fix in telegram.Message (`1042`_) - Make chat_id a positional argument inside shortcut methods of Chat and User classes (`1050`_) - Make Bot.full_name return a unicode object. (`1063`_) - CommandHandler faster check (`1074`_) - Correct documentation of Dispatcher.add_handler (`1071`_) - Various small fixes to documentation. .. _`1028`: .. _`1042`: .. _`1046`: .. _`1050`: .. _`1067`: .. _`1063`: .. _`1074`: .. _`1076`: .. _`1071`: **2018-03-05** ``` ### 10.0.1 ``` Fixes: - Fix conversationhandler timeout (PR `1032`_) - Add missing docs utils (PR `912`_) .. _`1032`: .. _`912`: **2018-03-02** ``` ### 10.0.0 ``` Non backward compatabile changes and changed defaults - JobQueue: Remove deprecated prevent_autostart & put() (PR `1012`_) - Bot, Updater: Remove deprecated network_delay (PR `1012`_) - Remove deprecated Message.new_chat_member (PR `1012`_) - Retry bootstrap phase indefinitely (by default) on network errors (PR `1018`_) New Features - Support v3.6 API (PR `1006`_) - User.full_name convinience property (PR `949`_) - Add `send_phone_number_to_provider` and `send_email_to_provider` arguments to send_invoice (PR `986`_) - Bot: Add shortcut methods reply_{markdown,html} (PR `827`_) - Bot: Add shortcut method reply_media_group (PR `994`_) - Added utils.helpers.effective_message_type (PR `826`_) - Bot.get_file now allows passing a file in addition to file_id (PR `963`_) - Add .get_file() to Audio, Document, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, VideoNote and Voice (PR `963`_) - Add .send_*() methods to User and Chat (PR `963`_) - Get jobs by name (PR `1011`_) - Add Message caption html/markdown methods (PR `1013`_) - File.download_as_bytearray - new method to get a d/led file as bytearray (PR `1019`_) - Now returns a meaningful return value (PR `1019`_) - Added conversation timeout in ConversationHandler (PR `895`_) Changes - Store bot in PreCheckoutQuery (PR `953`_) - Updater: Issue INFO log upon received signal (PR `951`_) - JobQueue: Thread safety fixes (PR `977`_) - WebhookHandler: Fix exception thrown during error handling (PR `985`_) - Explicitly check update.effective_chat in ConversationHandler.check_update (PR `959`_) - Updater: Better handling of timeouts during get_updates (PR `1007`_) - Remove unnecessary to_dict() (PR `834`_) - CommandHandler - ignore strings in entities and "/" followed by whitespace (PR `1020`_) - Documentation & style fixes (PR `942`_, PR `956`_, PR `962`_, PR `980`_, PR `983`_) .. _`826`: .. _`827`: .. _`834`: .. _`895`: .. _`942`: .. _`949`: .. _`951`: .. _`956`: .. _`953`: .. _`962`: .. _`959`: .. _`963`: .. _`977`: .. _`980`: .. _`983`: .. _`985`: .. _`986`: .. _`994`: .. _`1006`: .. _`1007`: .. _`1011`: .. _`1012`: .. _`1013`: .. _`1018`: .. _`1019`: .. _`1020`: **2017-12-08** ``` ### 9.0.0 ``` Breaking changes (possibly) - Drop support for python 3.3 (PR `930`_) New Features - Support Bot API 3.5 (PR `920`_) Changes - Fix race condition in dispatcher start/stop (`887`_) - Log error trace if there is no error handler registered (`694`_) - Update examples with consistent string formatting (`870`_) - Various changes and improvements to the docs. .. _`920`: .. _`930`: .. _`887`: .. _`694`: .. _`870`: **2017-10-15** ``` ### 8.1.1 ``` - Fix Commandhandler crashing on single character messages (PR `873`_). .. _`873`: **2017-10-14** ``` ### 8.1.0 ``` New features - Support Bot API 3.4 (PR `865`_). Changes - MessageHandler & RegexHandler now consider channel_updates. - Fix command not recognized if it is directly followed by a newline (PR `869`_). - Removed Bot._message_wrapper (PR `822`_). - Unitests are now also running on AppVeyor (Windows VM). - Various unitest improvements. - Documentation fixes. .. _`822`: .. _`865`: .. _`869`: **2017-09-01** ``` ### 8.0.0 ``` New features - Fully support Bot Api 3.3 (PR `806`_). - DispatcherHandlerStop (`see docs`_). - Regression fix for text_html & text_markdown (PR `777`_). - Added effective_attachment to message (PR `766`_). Non backward compatible changes - Removed Botan support from the library (PR `776`_). - Fully support Bot Api 3.3 (PR `806`_). - Remove de_json() (PR `789`_). Changes - Sane defaults for tcp socket options on linux (PR `754`_). - Add RESTRICTED as constant to ChatMember (PR `761`_). - Add rich comparison to CallbackQuery (PR `764`_). - Fix get_game_high_scores (PR `771`_). - Warn on small con_pool_size during custom initalization of Updater (PR `793`_). - Catch exceptions in error handlerfor errors that happen during polling (PR `810`_). - For testing we switched to pytest (PR `788`_). - Lots of small improvements to our tests and documentation. .. _`see docs`: .. _`777`: .. _`806`: .. _`766`: .. _`776`: .. _`789`: .. _`754`: .. _`761`: .. _`764`: .. _`771`: .. _`788`: .. _`793`: .. _`810`: **2017-07-28** ``` ### 7.0.1 ``` - Fix TypeError exception in RegexHandler (PR 751). - Small documentation fix (PR 749). **2017-07-25** ``` ### 7.0.0 ``` - Fully support Bot API 3.2. - New filters for handling messages from specific chat/user id (PR 677). - Add the possibility to add objects as arguments to send_* methods (PR 742). - Fixed download of URLs with UTF-8 chars in path (PR 688). - Fixed URL parsing for ``Message`` text properties (PR 689). - Fixed args dispatching in ``MessageQueue``'s decorator (PR 705). - Fixed regression preventing IPv6 only hosts from connnecting to Telegram servers (Issue 720). - ConvesationHandler - check if a user exist before using it (PR 699). - Removed deprecated ``telegram.Emoji``. - Removed deprecated ``Botan`` import from ``utils`` (``Botan`` is still available through ``contrib``). - Removed deprecated ``ReplyKeyboardHide``. - Removed deprecated ``edit_message`` argument of ``bot.set_game_score``. - Internal restructure of files. - Improved documentation. - Improved unitests. **2017-06-18** ``` ### 6.1.0 ``` - Fully support Bot API 3.0 - Add more fine-grained filters for status updates - Bug fixes and other improvements **2017-05-29** ``` ### 6.0.3 ``` - Faulty PyPI release **2017-05-29** ``` ### 6.0.2 ``` - Avoid confusion with user's ``urllib3`` by renaming vendored ``urllib3`` to ``ptb_urllib3`` **2017-05-19** ``` ### 6.0.1 ``` - Add support for ``User.language_code`` - Fix ``Message.text_html`` and ``Message.text_markdown`` for messages with emoji **2017-05-19** ``` ### 6.0.0 ``` - Add support for Bot API 2.3.1 - Add support for ``deleteMessage`` API method - New, simpler API for ``JobQueue`` - - Download files into file-like objects - - Use vendor ``urllib3`` to address issues with timeouts - The default timeout for messages is now 5 seconds. For sending media, the default timeout is now 20 seconds. - String attributes that are not set are now ``None`` by default, instead of empty strings - Add ``text_markdown`` and ``text_html`` properties to ``Message`` - - Add support for Socks5 proxy - - Add support for filters in ``CommandHandler`` - - Add the ability to invert (not) filters - - Add ```` and ``Filters.private`` - Compatibility with GAE via ``urllib3.contrib`` package - - Add equality rich comparision operators to telegram objects - - Several bugfixes and other improvements - Remove some deprecated code **2017-04-17** ``` ### 5.3.1 ``` - Hotfix release due to bug introduced by urllib3 version 1.21 **2016-12-11** ``` ### 5.3 ``` - Implement API changes of November 21st (Bot API 2.3) - ``JobQueue`` now supports ``datetime.timedelta`` in addition to seconds - ``JobQueue`` now supports running jobs only on certain days - New ``Filters.reply`` filter - Bugfix for ``Message.edit_reply_markup`` - Other bugfixes **2016-10-25** ``` ### 5.2 ``` - Implement API changes of October 3rd (games update) - Add ``Message.edit_*`` methods - Filters for the ``MessageHandler`` can now be combined using bitwise operators (``& and |``) - Add a way to save user- and chat-related data temporarily - Other bugfixes and improvements **2016-09-24** ``` ### 5.1 ``` - Drop Python 2.6 support - Deprecate ``telegram.Emoji`` - Use ``ujson`` if available - Add instance methods to ``Message``, ``Chat``, ``User``, ``InlineQuery`` and ``CallbackQuery`` - RegEx filtering for ``CallbackQueryHandler`` and ``InlineQueryHandler`` - New ``MessageHandler`` filters: ``forwarded`` and ``entity`` - Add ``Message.get_entity`` to correctly handle UTF-16 codepoints and ``MessageEntity`` offsets - Fix bug in ``ConversationHandler`` when first handler ends the conversation - Allow multiple ``Dispatcher`` instances - Add ``ChatMigrated`` Exception - Properly split and handle arguments in ``CommandHandler`` **2016-07-15** ``` ### 5.0 ``` - Rework ``JobQueue`` - Introduce ``ConversationHandler`` - Introduce ``telegram.constants`` - **2016-07-12** ``` ### 4.3.4 ``` - Fix proxy support with ``urllib3`` when proxy requires auth **2016-07-08** ``` ### 4.3.3 ``` - Fix proxy support with ``urllib3`` **2016-07-04** ``` ### 4.3.2 ``` - Fix: Use ``timeout`` parameter in all API methods **2016-06-29** ``` ### 4.3.1 ``` - Update wrong requirement: ``urllib3>=1.10`` **2016-06-28** ``` ### 4.3 ``` - Use ``urllib3.PoolManager`` for connection re-use - Rewrite ``run_async`` decorator to re-use threads - New requirements: ``urllib3`` and ``certifi`` **2016-06-10** ``` ### 4.2.1 ``` - Fix ``CallbackQuery.to_dict()`` bug (thanks to jlmadurga) - Fix ``editMessageText`` exception when receiving a ``CallbackQuery`` **2016-05-28** ``` ### 4.2 ``` - Implement Bot API 2.1 - Move ``botan`` module to ``telegram.contrib`` - New exception type: ``BadRequest`` **2016-05-22** ``` ### 4.1.2 ``` - Fix ``MessageEntity`` decoding with Bot API 2.1 changes **2016-05-16** ``` ### 4.1.1 ``` - Fix deprecation warning in ``Dispatcher`` **2016-05-15** ``` ### 4.1 ``` - Implement API changes from May 6, 2016 - Fix bug when ``start_polling`` with ``clean=True`` - Methods now have snake_case equivalent, for example ``telegram.Bot.send_message`` is the same as ``telegram.Bot.sendMessage`` **2016-05-01** ``` ### 4.0.3 ``` - Add missing attribute ``location`` to ``InlineQuery`` **2016-04-29** ``` ### 4.0.2 ``` - Bugfixes - ``KeyboardReplyMarkup`` now accepts ``str`` again **2016-04-27** ``` ### 4.0.1 ``` - Implement Bot API 2.0 - Almost complete recode of ``Dispatcher`` - Please read the `Transition Guide to 4.0 <>`_ - **Changes from 4.0rc1** - The syntax of filters for ``MessageHandler`` (upper/lower cases) - Handler groups are now identified by ``int`` only, and ordered - **Note:** v4.0 has been skipped due to a PyPI accident **2016-04-22** ``` ### 4.0rc1 ``` - Implement Bot API 2.0 - Almost complete recode of ``Dispatcher`` - Please read the `Transistion Guide to 4.0 <>`_ **2016-03-22** ``` ### 3.4 ``` - Move ``Updater``, ``Dispatcher`` and ``JobQueue`` to new ``telegram.ext`` submodule (thanks to rahiel) - Add ``disable_notification`` parameter (thanks to aidarbiktimirov) - Fix bug where commands sent by Telegram Web would not be recognized (thanks to shelomentsevd) - Add option to skip old updates on bot startup - Send files from ``BufferedReader`` **2016-02-28** ``` ### 3.3 ``` - Inline bots - Send any file by URL - Specialized exceptions: ``Unauthorized``, ``InvalidToken``, ``NetworkError`` and ``TimedOut`` - Integration for (thanks to ollmer) - HTML Parsemode (thanks to jlmadurga) - Bugfixes and under-the-hood improvements **Very special thanks to Noam Meltzer (tsnoam) for all of his work!** **2016-01-09** ``` ### 3.3b1 ``` - Implement inline bots (beta) **2016-01-05** ``` ### 3.2.0 ``` - Introducing ``JobQueue`` (original author: franciscod) - Streamlining all exceptions to ``TelegramError`` (Special thanks to tsnoam) - Proper locking of ``Updater`` and ``Dispatcher`` ``start`` and ``stop`` methods - Small bugfixes **2015-12-29** ``` ### 3.1.2 ``` - Fix custom path for file downloads - Don't stop the dispatcher thread on uncaught errors in handlers **2015-12-21** ``` ### 3.1.1 ``` - Fix a bug where asynchronous handlers could not have additional arguments - Add ``groups`` and ``groupdict`` as additional arguments for regex-based handlers **2015-12-16** ``` ### 3.1.0 ``` - The ``chat``-field in ``Message`` is now of type ``Chat``. (API update Oct 8 2015) - ``Message`` now contains the optional fields ``supergroup_chat_created``, ``migrate_to_chat_id``, ``migrate_from_chat_id`` and ``channel_chat_created``. (API update Nov 2015) **2015-12-08** ``` ### 3.0.0 ``` - Introducing the ``Updater`` and ``Dispatcher`` classes **2015-11-11** ``` ### 2.9.2 ``` - Error handling on request timeouts has been improved **2015-11-10** ``` ### 2.9.1 ``` - Add parameter ``network_delay`` to Bot.getUpdates for slow connections **2015-11-10** ``` ### 2.9 ``` - Emoji class now uses ``bytes_to_native_str`` from ``future`` 3rd party lib - Make ``user_from`` optional to work with channels - Raise exception if Telegram times out on long-polling *Special thanks to jh0ker for all hard work* **2015-10-08** ``` ### 2.8.7 ``` - Type as optional for ``GroupChat`` class **2015-10-08** ``` ### 2.8.6 ``` - Adds type to ``User`` and ``GroupChat`` classes (pre-release Telegram feature) **2015-09-24** ``` ### 2.8.5 ``` - Handles HTTP Bad Gateway (503) errors on request - Fixes regression on ``Audio`` and ``Document`` for unicode fields **2015-09-20** ``` ### 2.8.4 ``` - ``getFile`` and ```` is now fully supported **2015-09-10** ``` ### 2.8.3 ``` - Moved ``Bot._requestURL`` to its own class (``telegram.utils.request``) - Much better, such wow, Telegram Objects tests - Add consistency for ``str`` properties on Telegram Objects - Better design to test if ``chat_id`` is invalid - Add ability to set custom filename on ``Bot.sendDocument(..,filename='')`` - Fix Sticker as ``InputFile`` - Send JSON requests over urlencoded post data - Markdown support for ``Bot.sendMessage(..., parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)`` - Refactor of ``TelegramError`` class (no more handling ``IOError`` or ``URLError``) **2015-09-05** ``` ### 2.8.2 ``` - Fix regression on Telegram ReplyMarkup - Add certificate to ``is_inputfile`` method **2015-09-05** ``` ### 2.8.1 ``` - Fix regression on Telegram objects with thumb properties **2015-09-04** ``` ### 2.8 ``` - TelegramError when ``chat_id`` is empty for send* methods - ``setWebhook`` now supports sending self-signed certificate - Huge redesign of existing Telegram classes - Added support for PyPy - Added docstring for existing classes **2015-08-19** ``` ### 2.7.1 ``` - Fixed JSON serialization for ``message`` **2015-08-17** ``` ### 2.7 ``` - Added support for ``Voice`` object and ``sendVoice`` method - Due backward compatibility performer or/and title will be required for ``sendAudio`` - Fixed JSON serialization when forwarded message **2015-08-15** ``` ### 2.6.1 ``` - Fixed parsing image header issue on < Python 2.7.3 **2015-08-14** ``` ### 2.6.0 ``` - Depreciation of ``require_authentication`` and ``clearCredentials`` methods - Giving ``AUTHORS`` the proper credits for their contribution for this project - ```` and ``Message.forward_date`` are now ``datetime`` objects **2015-08-12** ``` ### 2.5.3 ``` - ``telegram.Bot`` now supports to be unpickled **2015-08-11** ``` ### 2.5.2 ``` - New changes from Telegram Bot API have been applied - ``telegram.Bot`` now supports to be pickled - Return empty ``str`` instead ``None`` when ``message.text`` is empty **2015-08-10** ``` ### 2.5.1 ``` - Moved from GPLv2 to LGPLv3 **2015-08-09** ``` ### 2.5 ``` - Fixes logging calls in API **2015-08-08** ``` ### 2.4 ``` - Fixes ``Emoji`` class for Python 3 - ``PEP8`` improvements **2015-08-08** ``` ### 2.3 ``` - Fixes ``ForceReply`` class - Remove ``logging.basicConfig`` from library **2015-07-25** ``` ### 2.2 ``` - Allows ``debug=True`` when initializing ``telegram.Bot`` **2015-07-20** ``` ### 2.1 ``` - Fix ``to_dict`` for ``Document`` and ``Video`` **2015-07-19** ``` ### 2.0 ``` - Fixes bugs - Improves ``__str__`` over ``to_json()`` - Creates abstract class ``TelegramObject`` **2015-07-15** ``` ### 1.9 ``` - Python 3 officially supported - ``PEP8`` improvements **2015-07-12** ``` ### 1.8 ``` - Fixes crash when replying an unicode text message (special thanks to JRoot3D) **2015-07-11** ``` ### 1.7 ``` - Fixes crash when ``username`` is not defined on ``chat`` (special thanks to JRoot3D) **2015-07-10** ``` ### 1.6 ``` - Improvements for GAE support **2015-07-10** ``` ### 1.5 ``` - Fixes randomly unicode issues when using ``InputFile`` **2015-07-10** ``` ### 1.4 ``` - ``requests`` lib is no longer required - Google App Engine (GAE) is supported **2015-07-10** ``` ### 1.3 ``` - Added support to ``setWebhook`` (special thanks to macrojames) **2015-07-09** ``` ### 1.2 ``` - ``CustomKeyboard`` classes now available - Emojis available - ``PEP8`` improvements **2015-07-08** ``` ### 1.1 ``` - PyPi package now available **2015-07-08** ``` ### 1.0 ``` - Initial checkin of python-telegram-bot ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:

Update green from 2.12.1 to 2.12.1.

Changelog ### 2.12.1 ``` 25 Feb 2017 - Switch from python-termstyle (apparently abandoned) to termstyle. We should drop termstyle altogether in favor of colorama (see also 186). Contributed by Robert Schüts in 182 - Fix bug that prevented `python --help-commands` from working properly. Contributed by Martin Larralde in 184. - Move the config file documentation to the readme file. Contributed by Yuri Shikanov in 179. - Update the TravisCI config and some self-testing procedures to pass updated macOS VM builds. ``` ### 2.12.0 ``` 7 Dec 2017 - Coverage is now required! Python packages do not support the idea of an optional dependency, and having a de-facto optional dependencies was causing coverage functionality to be broken for packages who want to use green with coverage during `python test`. Resolves 174. - The `test_versions` utility for testing green itself now deduplicates the versions of Python it finds, so it only runs one test for Python 2.7, for example. It uses the one it finds first in the $PATH. ``` ### 2.11.2 ``` 15 Nov 2017 - Fixed temp files not getting properly cleaned up on Windows and Linux in Python 3 (problem persists for macOS). Contributed by Martin Larralde in 173. ``` ### 2.11.1 ``` 25 Oct 2017 - Fixed bug causing several django testing options to be unavailable when using green as the test runner for django. Resolves 172. ``` ### 2.11.0 ``` 10 Aug 2017 - SubTest context manager support introduced in Python 3.4 is now explicitly supported. In previous versions of Green the SubTests would run correctly, but not get reported...sanely. The bulk of this work was contributed by VladV in 167. Resolves 111. ``` ### 2.10.0 ``` 8 July 2017 - Green can now be used as a `` test runner. See `green --help` or the main readme for details. Contributed by Martin Larralde in 165. Resolves enhancement request 158. - Lower prices on training course. Choose your own price. ``` ### 2.9.0 ``` 23 June 2017 - Green now supports unittest's `load_test` protocol. Contributed by Martin Larralde in 160. Resolves 87. - Add support for a `[green]` configuration section inside of `setup.cfg` in the current working directory. See the `CONFIG FILES` section of `green --help` for a list of relative configuration file priority and how to use them. Contributed by Martin Larralde in 161. - Minor grammar/spelling fixes. ``` ### 2.8.2 ``` 7 May 2017 - Work around Python's failure to skip tests in a consistent way -- in particular, if SkipTest was raised in setUpClass(), then different versions of Python did different things, none of them very sensible. We take the approach that Python _should have_ taken and skip each test as the SkipTest exception is raised. This results in one skip entry per test in the class that was skipped. Resolves 159. - Fixed the warning in Python 3.6 due to an inadvertent double-import issue. - Fixed crash that could occur running self-tests on newer versions of Python 2.7 which expect to use an iterator with a next() function. ``` ### 2.8.1 ``` 29 April 2017 - An unexpectedSuccess does not count as a failure for the test run as a whole, so `-f, --failfast` has been updated so that an unexpectedSuccess no longer triggers early termination. Using expectedFailure is discouraged. ``` ### 2.8.0 ``` 27 April 2017 - Green now also searches the current working directory for a .green config file. This can be used as per-project configuration -- just place the .green config file for your project in the same directory you would run your tests from (usually the root of the project). See `green --help` for the resolution order of the various config files. Resolves 116. ``` ### 2.7.4 ``` 26 April 2017 - Added a page about the Udemy course [Python Testing with Green](, with lots of nice coupons and discount codes just for finding the Github page. Check it out! - PyPy support is now best-effort for all versions of PyPy. TravisCI's PyPy installations are just...flaky. They seem to work everywhere else, we just don't fail due to failing PyPy builds anymore, because we just can't take the weirdness. - Fixed a condition where green could return failure to the calling shell if only a small number of skips, expectedFailures, and unexpectedSuccesses were run (and no passes, fails, or errors). - Improved the help message for `-l, --logging` ``` ### 2.7.3 ``` 24 March 2017 - Fixed a green crash that could occur when dealing with unicode literals in raised exceptions under Python 2. ``` ### 2.7.2 ``` 22 March 2017 - Fixed a corner-case where targets wouldn't be parallelized if you ran green inside a directory containing only test modules (files) with no packages (directories). The result would be a single worker process would handle all testing while the other worker processes sat idle. ``` ### 2.7.1 ``` 19 March 2017 - Stop cleaning up the temporary directory on versions of Python other than 2, since some things like multiprocess.Value in versions > 2 trigger an auto-cleanup of the temporary directory that crashes if it has already been cleaned up. Resolves 154. - macOS builds on TravisCI have been passing awhile. Start counting them towards global pass/fail. ``` ### 2.7.0 ``` 2 March 2017 - When used as a Django test runner, we now inject a `--green-verbosity` command-line argument that can be used to control green's verbosity level from Django. Contributed by Anomitra Saha. Resolves 37 and 153. ``` ### 2.6.3 ``` 20 February 2017 - Switched the release process to use python2 for everything, because python3 isn't installed in all TravisCI environments. ``` ### 2.6.2 ``` 20 February 2017 - Fix some minor issues in help strings that I discovered while working on "Python Testing with Green" - Updated the release process so that instead of using a confusing mix of python2 and python3 to test and release, we just use python3. ``` ### 2.6.1 ``` 14 February 2017 - Fixed a bug that caused a strange extra test result to be output when your test tried to access a member of an object that didn't exist. Fixes 150. ``` ### 2.6.0 ``` 22 January 2017 - The `-R, --quiet-coverage` flag can be used to run coverage without printing the coverage report to stdout. Contributed by Martin Larralde. PR 149. Resolves feature request 148. ``` ### 2.5.3 ``` 20 December 2016 - Improved file object compatibility of GreenStream. Code that now tries to access the writelines() function on sys.stdout or sys.stderr should no longer crash. Fixes 146. - Explicitly tell coverage to include missing line numbers to restore the default behavior that changed in coverage 4.1 and later. ``` ### 2.5.2 ``` 20 October 2016 - Fix crash that would occur on Python 2.7.0, 2.7.1, 2.7.2, and 2.7.3. Reported by Christopher Gurnee. Fixes 137. - Fix print statements inside of tests on Windows with Python 2.7. Contributed by Christopher Gurnee. PR 138. - Remove TravisCI builds for Xcode 7.1, since they no longer support those builds. Unfortunately, the other OS X builds on Travis are broken for some reason that doesn't exist on real OS X. If anyone has any ideas, please share. - Remaining OS X builds on TravisCI are failing right now trying to execute PyPy itself (library linking errors). Since the tests work fine on actual OS X installations, I'm going to ignore the failing builds and shake my hand furiously at TravisCI. ``` ### 2.5.1 ``` 30 June 2016 - Expose `green.version.__version__` as `green.__version__`. Reported by Bryant Mairs. Fixes 128. - Fix a crash that could occur if the test loader loaded an unrunnable object. Contributed by Eli Skeggs. PR 125. - Fixed a source of a double-submission bug that was being worked around internally. Contributed by Eli Skeggs. PR 126. ``` ### 2.5.0 ``` 31 May 2016 - No tests being loaded is now reported as an error, rather than a pass. This should help people more quickly discover when they have a typo in their command-line resulting in no tests being loaded. Contributed by Douglas Thor. Fixes 123. ``` ### 2.4.2 ``` 26 May 2016 - On Windows we now mangle non-ascii output into ascii output, because...Windows. Contributed by MinchinWeb. Fixes 119. - We now run TravisCI builds for OS X 10.10 and 10.11. We had already been manually running tests on the latest OS X, but now TravisCI will do it for us. ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` 19 May 2016 - The built-in unittest module (stupidly) reports crashes in setUpClass() in a completely different way than any other failure or crash in unittest. Now we handle that way. Fixes 121. ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` 1 April 2016 - Added `-W/--disable-windows` to disable converting colors to windows format. Useful for fake windows terminal environments that want the normal posix color codes. Contributed by Douglas Thor. - Minor documentation update. Contributed by Thijs Triemstra. - Experimented with a coding style contributed by John Vandenberg. Decided we're not yet ready for that much structure. Maybe someday in the future. ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` 13 February 2016 - Added `-q/--quiet-stdout` output option. Instead of capturing the stdout and stderr and presenting it in the summary of results, discard it completly for successful tests. --allow-stdout option overrides it. Contributed by nMustaki. - Fixed Windows build due to URL change for ``. Contributed by nMustaki. ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` 26 October 2015 - Python 3.5 support is now real, including automated builds for every commit. We now compensate for Python 3.5's new behavior of creating a dummy TestCase when failing to load a test target via a dotted name. All tests now pass on Python 3.5 for the first time! Lets keep it that way. I'm crossing my fingers that this might fix 93, 96, or 98 (which I'll work on next if it didn't). Fixes 99. - When the summary output of a test case is longer than the terminal width and wraps to the next line, we now rewind the cursor back to the original spot when rewriting in the final color. This means no more "duplicate" lines in verbose output with narrow terminal windows. Fixes 84. ``` ### 2.1.2 ``` 20 October 2015 - Intercept and handle coverage 4.x's new exception that occurs if there is no coverage to report. ``` ### 2.1.1 ``` 19 October 2015 - Fixed the new `-u/--include-patterns` to actually break apart the comma-separated list into separate entries. It was already working fine if you only included a single pattern. ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` 19 October 2015 - Removed official Python 3.4+ support on Windows, due to AppVeyor's aggravating fail-4-times-out-of-5 behavior which I can't replicate at all on real windows. If someone wants to help find the problem so we can have consistent builds, I would be happy to restore official Python 3.4+ support on Windows. In practice, everything functions fine on Windows as far as I can tell, but this will drift in the future without builds to let us know what breaks. - Added `-u/--include-patterns` argument to pass through a list of include patterns to coverage. See the help docs for more info. - Fixed a crash during handling a crash in loader code due to incorrect string formatting - contributed by jayvdb - Green can now be run as a module with `python -m green` syntax - contributed by krisztianfekete, fixes 91 - Fixed the text describing the ordering of the screenshots - reported by robertlagrant ``` ### 2.0.7 ``` 18 September 2015 - Fixed help documentation for `-s/--processes` to account for changes made in the 2.0.0 overhaul. Fixes 83. ``` ### 2.0.6 ``` 14 September 2015 - Green no longer follows symlinks during discovery, to avoid infinite discovering. ``` ### 2.0.5 ``` 14 September 2015 - Green no longer ignores config files when run as through django. Fixes 79 and 82. - Green no longer crashes when run through django when no tests are present. - Coverage output now appears before the summary, so that long coverage lists don't make it difficult to tell whether tests passed or not. - Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if a python package with an invalid (and thus un-importable) name existed within the discovery scope. - Updated the readme: swapped the features and screenshots section, swapped the positioning of the two screenshots. ``` ### 2.0.4 ``` 27 August 2015 - Fixed a bug that was causing crashes when subclassing Twisted's version of TestCase. ``` ### 2.0.3 ``` 23 August 2015 - When you use Python 2.7 and your failing test has a traceback that refers to a line that has unicode literals in it, green will now catch the resulting UnicodeDecodeError raised while trying to format the traceback and tell you the module it was trying to import and that it couldn't display the correct traceback due to the presence of a unicode literal. Resolves 77. ``` ### 2.0.2 ``` 20 August 2015 - Captured stdout and stderr is reported properly once again. Regression in 2.0.0. Resolves issue 76. - Better capturing and reporting of exceptions that escape the testing framework. - Added screenshots to the readme file. Resolves issue 78. - Put the gitter badge inline with the other badges on the readme. - Ignore build failures on the alpha OS X builders TravisCI suddenly (and finally) turned on for us. They don't even have python installed yet... - Use a consistent tagline for the project everywhere ("Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.") ``` ### 2.0.1 ``` 30 July 2015 - Handled the case where a module could be discovered by directory searching by the main process but not by module name by the subprocess. Instead of crashing the subprocess and hanging, we now handle it and report it as an importing problem. One cause of this problem is forgetting your Fixes issue 74. - Improved some of our own unit tests to follow more best practices. Fixes issue 62.; ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` 24 July 2015 - BREAKING CHANGE: Major overhaul of the multiprocessing system. Tests always run in a separate worker process, even when only one process is specified. The default number of processes is now the number of logical processors detected instead of 1. Entire modules are now run in the same worker process by default to avoid both the overhead of multiple processes loading the same module and the overhead of running module and class setUp/tearDown multiple times redundantly. Classes or methods specified individually on the command-line will still be run in their own worker process. A ton of credit for this feature needs to go to Sam Spilsbury, who put in considerable time and effort to actually code up the initial pull request. Fixes issues 68, 70. - BREAKING CHANGE: Due the fact that no one uses it that I can tell and I don't want to maintain it, the `-m/--html` option has been removed. - BREAKING CHANGE: `-o/--omit-patterns` now adds patterns to the default coverage omit list instead of replacing the default list. - `-O/--clear-omit` was added to clear the default coverage omit list. - `-k/--no-skip-report` was added to suppress the skip report if desired. - Added a gitter chatroom link to the readme. - Support for acquiring and releasing arbitrary resources via the `-i/--initializer` and `-z/--finalizer` options. Use it to setup/teardown things that an individual worker process will need exclusive access to apart from the other worker processes. - We're back at 100% self-test coverage again. Yay!!! - Twisted's skip functionality is caught and recorded as skips instead of failures, if your `TestCase` subclasses `twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase` and sets the class attribute `.skip` to `True`, or a test raises `twisted.trial.unittest.SkipTest`. - Better handling of outside-of-test exceptions that occur inside worker processes. - We now capture stderr that is emitted during tests and present it after tests have run, just like we do with stdout. - Capturing stdout in worker processes more consistently works (no known bugs left). - The headers for stdout and stderr are now yellow, for better color scheme consistency (and so they don't get confused with skip headers). - Skip report headers now display the dotted test name in bold, just like other headers do. We are so consistent! - Fixed the skip report so it goes to the stream instead of stdout. - Disabled the annoying " warning: No data was collected." message that started happening a lot, even though coverage was working just fine. - Colors now work on AppVeyor builds, all hail the pretty colors! (Ironically, they don't support Windows ansi colors, they wrote their own interpreters for posix-style color escape codes.) - We now "close" the process pool instead of "terminating" it, which results in much better behavior in pypy and Windows, especially for things like tearDown stuff. ``` ### 1.11.0 ``` 18 June 2015 - Added support for pypy3. Fiixes issue 63. - Disabled the virtual-env aspect of test_versions when run in Travis-CI, which is already in a virtualenv. ``` ### 1.10.0 ``` 17 June 2015 - Virtualenv directories are now skipped during test discovery, so you can now use discovery on projects that contain one or more virtualenv directories inside of them. - Green *always* runs tests in a separate process now, though by default it still (currently) defaults to only *one* separate process, to maximize compatibility with large suites that already assume tests are run sequentially. - Green will now catch exceptions that the test framework doesn't handle and report them as test failures. Specifically, if your test case subclasses `testtools.TestCase` from the popular `testtools` project, then `SystemExit` exceptions will escape the TestCase. Green will catch these exceptions and report them as failures. The one special-case is KeyboardInterrupt, which Green catches and interprets as a desire to terminate testing, and stops the test run. - Changed the `-m/--html` help text to be a deprecation warning. If you would like this feature to stay, please create an issue stating so at ``` ### 1.9.4 ``` 15 June 2015 - Added a deprecation warning for the `-m/--html` option. Unless I get some credible requests to leave the functionality, then I am going to proceed with removing it under the assumption that no one uses it (and I don't want to maintain complex, unused code). - Investigated an issue with `SystemExit` and `KeyboardInterrupt` halting the python process when your test subclasses `testtools.TestCase`. Turns out that that is a design decision made by the testtools devs that they want those exceptions to stop everything. So we won't interfere with their desires. If you don't like the behavior, either stop subclassing `testtools.TestCase` or simply catch those two exceptions in your own tests. ``` ### 1.9.3 ``` 7 June 2015 - Switched to cyan instead of blue on Windows only. - Stubbed in the beginnings of support for designating initialization to run in each process to obtain whatever resources might be needed by a single process (like its own database, for example). ``` ### 1.9.2 ``` 8 May 2015 - Fixed a regression that caused the `-a/--allow-stdout` cli option and corresponding config option to be ignored. Fixes issue 58. ``` ### 1.9.1 ``` 13 April 2015 - Don't do the interactive print/reprint a test line behavior when we're not connected to a terminal. Contributed by Sam Spilsbury. Issue 52. Pull request 53. - Fixed a rather largeish bug that caused all configuration files to be ignored. Issue 56. Thanks for Monty Hindman for finding and reporting the bug. - The `g` script has been improved so that wildcards are passed through without local expansion. `g` is is used by developers to try out changes to green itself in-place without installing it. Contributed by Monty Hindman. Pull request 57. - Switch to Travis CI's docker builders for faster builds. Contributed by Sam Spilsbury. Issue 54. Pull request 55. - Cleaned up the formatting of dates on this changelog file. - Removed Python 3.3 builders on Linux, now that they're failing. Official support for Python 3.3 was dropped on 31 August 2014. It may still work in various use cases, but no guarantees. - Fixed `test_versions` again. The regex for non-Travis CI builds had broken, so that only the default python was being tested on development setups. ``` ### 1.9.0 ``` 8 April 2015 - BREAKING CHANGE: `--omit` was renamed to `--omit-patterns` for consistency with how other pattern-related options are named. - BREAKING CHANGE: `--pattern` was renamed to `--file-pattern` for consistency with how other pattern-related options are named. - Added `-n` / `--test-pattern` option to further refine which tests are actually run. Thanks to Monty Hindman for a pull request that got this feature going. - Tweaked Travis CI builds ``` ### 1.8.1 ``` 1 April 2015 (Not a joke!) - Fixed issue where command-line arguments could not override config arguments to set options back to default values. Reported by Monty Hindman. Issue 47. - Converted this changelog file to markdown format. ``` ### 1.8.0 ``` 30 March 2015 - The tag to use for questions on StackOverflow was changed to python-green to avoid being too generic. The tag has a nice wiki entry and an initial question to get things going. Contributed by Mikko Ohtamaa. Pull request 43. - Added `-p/--pattern` option to specify the file pattern to search for tests under instead of the default pattern `test*py`. Contributed by Monty Hindman. Issue 41. Pull request 42. - Green now supports nose-parameterized. Contributed by Sam Spilsbury. Issue 39. Pull request 40. - Fixed a crash that could occur in PyPy 2.5 - Fixed a crash that could occur during automated build testing with pip 6.x - Colorama is now a dependency on all platforms (dropping python-termstyle as a dependency is planned). ``` ### 1.7.1 ``` 25 November 2014 - When run in completions mode (`green --completions`), import errors in potential modules are ignored, so that the completions list is still generated instead of producing crash output. ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` 21 September 2014 - Output sent to stdout is now captured and then presented along with the list of tracebacks. This can be disabled with `-a/--allow-stdout`. Issue 29. ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` 10 September 2014 - Added `-f/--failfast` to stop executing tests after the first error, failure, or unexpected successes. - Simplified the usage line in the help output. ``` ### 1.5.0 ``` 31 August 2014 - You can press Ctrl-C once while tests are running to cleanly terminate the test run. - Some internal refactoring. - Python 3.3 is no longer supported on Windows. It might work still--it's just not supported. - Windows CI with AppVeyor is now passing. ``` ### 1.4.4 ``` 26 August 2014 - File handles are now explicitly closed in Contributed by Simeon Visser. ``` ### 1.4.3 ``` 26 August 2014 - Trying to import a module by name that raises an exception during import now manufactures a test that reports an ImportError instead of just silently ignoring the file. Issue 31. ``` ### 1.4.2 ``` 14 August 2014 - Automated generation of the CLI documentation. - Improved the suggest command for Bash-/Zsh-completion integration. - Improved the README file. - Fixed a crash that could occur if an exception was raised during a test case's setUpClass() or tearDownClass() - We now explicitly terminate the thread pool and join() it. This makes self unit tests much easier to clean up on Windows, where the processes would block deletion of temporary directories. - Set up continuous integration for Windows using AppVeyor. Thanks to ionelmc for the tip! Issue 11. ``` ### 1.4.1 ``` 30 July 2014 - We now use the fully-dotted test name at the start of each traceback in the error listing. Issue 28. - PyPy libraries are now omitted from coverage by default. - More cleanup on internal tests. ``` ### 1.4.0 ``` 30 July 2014 User Stuff - Django integration! Issue 21. There are two ways to use green while running Django unit tests: 1) To just try it out, use the --testrunner option: ./ test --testrunner=green.djangorunner.DjangoRunner 2) Make it persistent by adding the following line to your TEST_RUNNER=green.djangorunner.DjangoRunner (Use green config files to customize the output) - Switched from using stderr to stdout. This makes piping output to another program much easier, and reserves stderr for actual errors running green itself. - Improved the exception output when a test module cannot be imported. Internal Stuff - Updated the Travis config to make use of the Makefile - Updated the Makefile with more and better organized test targets. - Added a test_versions script that can be run on developer clones. It will auto-detect all versions of python (in the form of pythonX.Y) in $PATH and run many permutations of self tests on each version. - Fixed a crash that could occur if discovery did not find any tests and processes was set higher than one. - Fixed lots of tests so that they would succeed in all environments. - Internal refactoring of argument parsing and configuration handling. ``` ### 1.3.1 ``` 23 July 2014 - Fixed the new tests that failed if you ran them in-place on an installed version of green. Forgot to check the build status before I did the last release! ``` ### 1.3.0 ``` 23 July 2014 - Bash-completion and ZSH-completion support for options and test targets. Issue 7. ``` ### 1.2.1 ``` 20 July 2014 - Multiline docstrings (with -vv or -vvv) on test methods are now handled correctly. Initial whitespace is first stripped. Then lines are combined into one space-separated string until the first blank line. Issue 26. ``` ### 1.2.0 ``` 20 July 2014 - Implemented custom test discovery code instead of relying on built-in So far, the new implementation mimics the built-in behavior except for fixing issue 14 (which unblocks 7). This enables working on 25 and any other bugs or behavior that was locked inside of unittest's quirky discovery implementation that we want to fix in the future. - Fixed travis config to exclude the example project in builds. - Reduced debug timestamp precision from microsecond- to second-based. - Exclude colorama from coverage reporting for the sake of Windows users. - Added some additional internal debug output. - Centralized internal debugging output. - "make clean" now cleans all `.coverage*` files in the project tree. - Many new internal tests. ``` ### 1.1.0 ``` 17 July 2014 - Configuration file support, originally contributed by Tom Barron - Issues 20, 23, 24 ``` ### 1.0.2 ``` 6 July 2014 - Color works on Windows - Issues 18, 19 - Self-tests run against installed versions automatically - Issue 10 - Installation process is now tested automatically - Issue 9 - Switched to "branch-based development" - Added an "example" directory with an example project with unit tests - Added the CHANGELOG (this file) - Improved the file a lot based on feedback from reddit. ``` ### 1.0.1 ``` 23 June 2014 - Fixed MANIFEST so that installation didn't crash ``` ### 1.0 ``` - There were lots of versions before 1.0 was released (54 published releases, actually). No one heard about it before 1.0 though, so we didn't bother tracking individual releases. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo:

Update pycodestyle from 2.4.0 to 2.4.0.

Changelog ### 2.4.0 ``` ------------------ New checks: * Add W504 warning for checking that a break doesn't happen after a binary operator. This check is ignored by default. PR 502. * Add W605 warning for invalid escape sequences in string literals. PR 676. * Add W606 warning for 'async' and 'await' reserved keywords being introduced in Python 3.7. PR 684. * Add E252 error for missing whitespace around equal sign in type annotated function arguments with defaults values. PR 717. Changes: * An internal bisect search has replaced a linear search in order to improve efficiency. PR 648. * pycodestyle now uses PyPI trove classifiers in order to document supported python versions on PyPI. PR 654. * 'setup.cfg' '[wheel]' section has been renamed to '[bdist_wheel]', as the former is legacy. PR 653. * pycodestyle now handles very long lines much more efficiently for python 3.2+. Fixes 643. PR 644. * You can now write 'pycodestyle.StyleGuide(verbose=True)' instead of 'pycodestyle.StyleGuide(verbose=True, paths=['-v'])' in order to achieve verbosity. PR 663. * The distribution of pycodestyle now includes the license text in order to comply with open source licenses which require this. PR 694. * 'maximum_line_length' now ignores shebang ('!') lines. PR 736. * Add configuration option for the allowed number of blank lines. It is implemented as a top level dictionary which can be easily overwritten. Fixes 732. PR 733. Bugs: * Prevent a 'DeprecationWarning', and a 'SyntaxError' in future python, caused by an invalid escape sequence. PR 625. * Correctly report E501 when the first line of a docstring is too long. Resolves 622. PR 630. * Support variable annotation when variable start by a keyword, such as class variable type annotations in python 3.6. PR 640. * pycodestyle internals have been changed in order to allow 'python3 -m cProfile' to report correct metrics. PR 647. * Fix a spelling mistake in the description of E722. PR 697. * 'pycodestyle --diff' now does not break if your 'gitconfig' enables 'mnemonicprefix'. PR 706. ``` ### 2.3.1 ``` ------------------ Bugs: * Fix regression in detection of E302 and E306; 618, 620 ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ------------------ New Checks: * Add E722 warning for bare ``except`` clauses * Report E704 for async function definitions (``async def``) Bugs: * Fix another E305 false positive for variables beginning with "class" or "def" * Fix detection of multiple spaces between ``async`` and ``def`` * Fix handling of variable annotations. Stop reporting E701 on Python 3.6 for variable annotations. ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ------------------ Announcements: * Added Make target to obtain proper tarball file permissions; 599 Bugs: * Fixed E305 regression caused by 400; 593 ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ------------------ Announcements: * Change all references to the pep8 project to say pycodestyle; 530 Changes: * Report E302 for blank lines before an "async def"; 556 * Update our list of tested and supported Python versions which are 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 as well as the nightly Python build and PyPy. * Report E742 and E743 for functions and classes badly named 'l', 'O', or 'I'. * Report E741 on 'global' and 'nonlocal' statements, as well as prohibited single-letter variables. * Deprecated use of `[pep8]` section name in favor of `[pycodestyle]`; 591 * Report E722 when bare except clause is used; 579 Bugs: * Fix opt_type AssertionError when using Flake8 2.6.2 and pycodestyle; 561 * Require two blank lines after toplevel def, class; 536 * Remove accidentally quadratic computation based on the number of colons. This will make pycodestyle faster in some cases; 314 ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` ------------------ Announcements: * Repository renamed to `pycodestyle`; Issue 466 / 481. * Added joint Code of Conduct as member of PyCQA; 483 Changes: * Added tox test support for Python 3.5 and pypy3 * Added check E275 for whitespace on `from ... import ...` lines; 489 / 491 * Added W503 to the list of codes ignored by default ignore list; 498 * Removed use of project level `.pep8` configuration file; 364 Bugs: * Fixed bug with treating `~` operator as binary; 383 / 384 * Identify binary operators as unary; 484 / 485 ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ------------------ Announcements: * Repository moved to PyCQA Organization on GitHub: Changes: * Reverted the fix in 368, "options passed on command line are only ones accepted" feature. This has many unintended consequences in pep8 and flake8 and needs to be reworked when I have more time. * Added support for Python 3.5. (Issue 420 & 459) * Added support for multi-line config_file option parsing. (Issue 429) * Improved parameter parsing. (Issues 420 & 456) Bugs: * Fixed BytesWarning on Python 3. (Issue 459) ``` ### 1.6.2 ``` ------------------ Changes: * Added check for breaking around a binary operator. (Issue 197, Pull 305) Bugs: * Restored config_file parameter in process_options(). (Issue 380) ``` ### 1.6.1 ``` ------------------ Changes: * Assign variables before referenced. (Issue 287) Bugs: * Exception thrown due to unassigned ``local_dir`` variable. (Issue 377) ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` ------------------ News: * Ian Lee <> joined the project as a maintainer. Changes: * Report E731 for lambda assignment. (Issue 277) * Report E704 for one-liner def instead of E701. Do not report this error in the default configuration. (Issue 277) * Replace codes E111, E112 and E113 with codes E114, E115 and E116 for bad indentation of comments. (Issue 274) * Report E266 instead of E265 when the block comment starts with multiple `. (Issue 270) * Report E402 for import statements not at the top of the file. (Issue 264) * Do not enforce whitespaces around ``**`` operator. (Issue 292) * Strip whitespace from around paths during normalization. (Issue 339 / 343) * Update ``--format`` documentation. (Issue 198 / Pull Request 310) * Add ``.tox/`` to default excludes. (Issue 335) * Do not report E121 or E126 in the default configuration. (Issues 256 / 316) * Allow spaces around the equals sign in an annotated function. (Issue 357) * Allow trailing backslash if in an inline comment. (Issue 374) * If ``--config`` is used, only that configuration is processed. Otherwise, merge the user and local configurations are merged. (Issue 368 / 369) Bug fixes: * Don't crash if Checker.build_tokens_line() returns None. (Issue 306) * Don't crash if os.path.expanduser() throws an ImportError. (Issue 297) * Missing space around keyword parameter equal not always reported, E251. (Issue 323) * Fix false positive E711/E712/E713. (Issues 330 and 336) * Do not skip physical checks if the newline is escaped. (Issue 319) * Flush sys.stdout to avoid race conditions with printing. See flake8 bug: for more details. (Issue 363) ``` ### 1.5.7 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Skip the traceback on "Broken pipe" signal. (Issue 275) * Do not exit when an option in ``setup.cfg`` or ``tox.ini`` is not recognized. * Check the last line even if it does not end with a newline. (Issue 286) * Always open files in universal newlines mode in Python 2. (Issue 288) ``` ### 1.5.6 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Check the last line even if it has no end-of-line. (Issue 273) ``` ### 1.5.5 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Fix regression with E22 checks and inline comments. (Issue 271) ``` ### 1.5.4 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Fix negative offset with E303 before a multi-line docstring. (Issue 269) ``` ### 1.5.3 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Fix wrong offset computation when error is on the last char of a physical line. (Issue 268) ``` ### 1.5.2 ``` ------------------ Changes: * Distribute a universal wheel file. Bug fixes: * Report correct line number for E303 with comments. (Issue 60) * Do not allow newline after parameter equal. (Issue 252) * Fix line number reported for multi-line strings. (Issue 220) * Fix false positive E121/E126 with multi-line strings. (Issue 265) * Fix E501 not detected in comments with Python 2.5. * Fix caret position with ``--show-source`` when line contains tabs. ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` ------------------ Bug fixes: * Fix a crash with E125 on multi-line strings. (Issue 263) ``` ### 1.5 ``` ---------------- Changes: * Report E129 instead of E125 for visually indented line with same indent as next logical line. (Issue 126) * Report E265 for space before block comment. (Issue 190) * Report E713 and E714 when operators ``not in`` and ``is not`` are recommended. (Issue 236) * Allow long lines in multiline strings and comments if they cannot be wrapped. (Issue 224). * Optionally disable physical line checks inside multiline strings, using `` noqa``. (Issue 242) * Change text for E121 to report "continuation line under-indented for hanging indent" instead of indentation not being a multiple of 4. * Report E131 instead of E121 / E126 if the hanging indent is not consistent within the same continuation block
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@@           Coverage Diff           @@
##           master      #24   +/-   ##
  Coverage   63.15%   63.15%           
  Files           1        1           
  Lines          57       57           
  Hits           36       36           
  Misses         21       21

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