IEM-Computer-Vision / Your-Labels

A custom made image annotation tool
MIT License
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Open ucalyptus opened 4 years ago

ucalyptus commented 4 years ago


ucalyptus commented 4 years ago

This is the most popular one; it draws shapes around objects in an image. It has a list of categories and annotations.


The “categories” object contains a list of categories (e.g. dog, boat) and each of those belongs to a supercategory (e.g. animal, vehicle). The original COCO dataset contains 90 categories. You can use the existing COCO categories or create an entirely new list of your own. Each category id must be unique (among the rest of the categories).

"categories": [ {"supercategory": "person","id": 1,"name": "person"}, {"supercategory": "vehicle","id": 2,"name": "bicycle"}, {"supercategory": "vehicle","id": 3,"name": "car"}, {"supercategory": "vehicle","id": 4,"name": "motorcycle"}, {"supercategory": "vehicle","id": 5,"name": "airplane"}, ... {"supercategory": "indoor","id": 89,"name": "hair drier"}, {"supercategory": "indoor","id": 90,"name": "toothbrush"} ]

ucalyptus commented 4 years ago


The “annotations” section is the trickiest to understand. It contains a list of every individual object annotation from every image in the dataset. For example, if there are 64 bicycles spread out across 100 images, there will be 64 bicycle annotations (along with a ton of annotations for other object categories). Often there will be multiple instances of an object in an image. Usually this results in a new annotation item for each one.

I say “usually” because regions of interest indicated by these annotations are specified by “segmentations”, which are usually a list of polygon vertices around the object, but can also be a run-length-encoded (RLE) bit mask. Typically, RLE is used for groups of objects (like a large stack of books). I’ll explain how this works later in the article.

Area is measured in pixels (e.g. a 10px by 20px box would have an area of 200).

Is Crowd specifies whether the segmentation is for a single object or for a group/cluster of objects.

The image id corresponds to a specific image in the dataset.

The COCO bounding box format is [top left x position, top left y position, width, height].

The category id corresponds to a single category specified in the categories section.

Each annotation also has an id (unique to all other annotations in the dataset).

The following JSON shows 2 different annotations.

The first annotation:

Has a segmentation list of vertices (x, y pixel positions)

Has an area of 702 pixels (pretty small) and a bounding box of [473.07,395.93,38.65,28.67]

Is not a crowd (meaning it’s a single object)

Is category id of 18 (which is a dog)

Corresponds with an image with id 289343 (which is a person on a strange bicycle and a tiny dog)

The second annotation:

Has a Run-Length-Encoding style segmentation

Has an area of 220834 pixels (much larger) and a bounding box of [0,34,639,388]

Is a crowd (meaning it’s a group of objects)

Is a category id of 1 (which is a person)

Corresponds with an image with id 250282 (which is a vintage class photo of about 50 school children)

"annotations": [ { "segmentation": [[510.66,423.01,511.72,420.03,...,510.45,423.01]], "area": 702.1057499999998, "iscrowd": 0, "image_id": 289343, "bbox": [473.07,395.93,38.65,28.67], "category_id": 18, "id": 1768 }, ... { "segmentation": { "counts": [179,27,392,41,…,55,20], "size": [426,640] }, "area": 220834, "iscrowd": 1, "image_id": 250282, "bbox": [0,34,639,388], "category_id": 1, "id": 900100250282 } ]