IEMLdev / ieml

IEML semantic language - a meaning-representation system based on semantic primitives and a regular grammar. Basic semantic relationships between concepts are automatically computed from syntactic similarities.
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IEML from Rules returns valid when given rules with 1 term #38

Closed eric-waldman closed 7 years ago

eric-waldman commented 7 years ago

I sent the following rules to the API with the /usls/from_rules endpoint {rules: {r0: "U:"}}

and it returned no errors, but when I go to save the word, it gives me: "This word must not be a term."

ogrergo commented 7 years ago
str(usl({'r0': term('U:')}).ieml_object)
> '[([U:])]'
Vayel commented 7 years ago

It appear to have been fixed. Now, you can create any type of word from the endpoint /words/. Before, you could only create words not being term words.