IETF-OPSAWG-WG / draft-ietf-opsawg-pcap

PCAP next generation file format specification
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More things to do #18

Open hadrielk opened 9 years ago

hadrielk commented 9 years ago

This is more of a TODO list (and mostly to myself), than an issue for github:

packetfoo commented 9 years ago
guyharris commented 5 years ago
  • number bases: this probably needs to be HEX then, as the block type for the SHB has a meaning in HEX that is lost when translating to decimal. But I'm open for discussion.

I'd vote for hex.

Any objections to hex? If not, I'll update the spec.

guyharris commented 5 years ago
  • Clean up the naming scheme for fields in terms of the "shb_userappl", "if_MACaddr", "ns_dnsIP6addr" type names. Either use lowerCamelCase, or underscore_name_scheme. Don't have all combinations.

if_MACaddr and if_EUIaddr aren't CamelCase, they're "initialism/acronym case" - MAC is an initialism (and acronym) for Medi{um,a} Access Control (yes, the IEEE uses both "Medium" and "Media", sometimes even using both in the same document) and Extended Unique Identifier.

Similarly, in ns_dnsIP6addr and the like, "IP" is an initialism for Internet Protocol. The same applies to if_IPv4addr and if_IPv6addr. For "IP", however:

  1. we also have nrb_record_ipv4 and nrb_record_ipv6, which don't capitalize "ip";
  2. neither ns_dnsIP4addr nor ns_dnsIP6addr have "v" between "IP" and the number;

so we don't have a consistent convention for referring to the two main versions of the Internet Protocol.