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service status per SAP #373

Closed boucadair closed 2 years ago

boucadair commented 2 years ago

A SAP may be used for multiple services, but only a subset of these services may be enabled. Also, a SAP may be enabled, but the services aren't.

In reference to this structure,

  augment /nw:networks/nw:network/nw:node:
    +--rw service* [sap-type]
       +--rw sap-type                    identityref
       +--rw service-attachment-point* [attachment-id]
          +--rw attachment-id               nt:tp-id
          +--rw parent-termination-point?   nt:tp-id
          +--rw interface-type?             identityref
          +--rw status
          |  +--rw admin-status
          |  |  +--rw status?        identityref
          |  |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
          |  +--ro oper-status
          |     +--ro status?        identityref
          |     +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
          +--rw encapsulation-type?         identityref
          +--rw interface-role?             identityref
          +--rw description?                string

Should the "status" be set to echo the status of the sap interface "attachment-id" (independent of the services) or should it reflect the service activation on the SAP?

I personally have a preference to distinguished both. That is, make this change:

          +--rw status
          |  +--rw admin-status
          |  |  +--rw status?        identityref
          |  |  +--rw last-change?   yang:date-and-time
          |  +--ro oper-status
          |     +--ro status?        identityref
          |     +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time
          +--ro service-status
             +--ro status?        identityref
             +--ro last-change?   yang:date-and-time