IFFranciscoME / ROandaAPI

R Code API for Forex Trading with OANDA Broker
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Problem in modify existing order #2

Open learnereveryday opened 8 years ago

learnereveryday commented 8 years ago

Thank you for building the code.

I have one problem using your code to modify an existing order. It seems httpOPTIONS is not the function to make PATCH request. Could you please advise what I did wrong or revise the code? Thanks! The following is the error message I have got:

                                                        "Tue, 05 Jul 2016 02:35:26 GMT" 

"Accept, Authorization, Content-Type, Origin, X-Accept-DateTime-Format, X-HTTP-Method-Override" Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS" Access-Control-Max-Age "86400" status "204" statusMessage "NO_CONTENT\r\n" Warning messages: 1: In mapCurlOptNames(names(.els), asNames = TRUE) : Unrecognized CURL options: .params 2: In mapCurlOptNames(names(.els), asNames = TRUE) : Unrecognized CURL options: .params

IFFranciscoME commented 8 years ago

I have been trying to fix this but i cant, i found that with httr package there is the PATCH() function that we need although i just couldn't make it work, i took the advice from Oanda's Trouble Shooting for POST and PATCH Requests and reviewed the Modify an existing order. I am stuck here. So far this is the code i have for that particular function. The error i get so far is the following:

Response [https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com/v1/accounts/1742531/orders/10406990195]
  Date: 2016-08-08 02:14
  Status: 401
  Content-Type: application/json
  Size: 169 B
    "code" : 4,
    "message" : "The access token provided does not allow this request to be made",
    "moreInfo" : "http:\/\/developer.oanda.com\/docs\/v1\/auth\/#overview"

Obviously i have double and triple check for the Token and authentication methods, for the rest of the functions that requires it there is no problem, so i have no idea here. The code I have so far is this

ModifyTrade <- function(AccountType, AccountID, Token, 
                        TradeID, StopLoss, TakeProfit, TrailingStop)
  if(AccountType == "practice") {
    httpaccount <- "https://api-fxpractice.oanda.com"
  } else 
  if(AccountType == "live") {
      httpaccount <- "https://api-fxtrade.oanda.com"
  } else print("Account type error. Must be practice or live")

  Queryhttp  <- paste(httpaccount,"/v1/accounts/", sep = "")
  Queryhttp1 <- paste(Queryhttp,AccountID, sep = "")
  Queryhttp2 <- paste(Queryhttp1,"/orders/", sep = "")
  Queryhttp3 <- paste(Queryhttp2,TradeID, sep = "")

  auth   <- c(Authorization = paste("Authorization: Bearer",Token, sep=" "))
  params <- list(stopLoss=StopLoss, takeProfit=TakeProfit, trailingStop=TrailingStop)
  DataReturn <- PATCH(Queryhttp3, add_headers(auth),body = params)


I will momentarily leave it that way, so if any of the readers/followers get the answer to this i will include it. Or make a push request.

There are a couple of on line tools to troubleshoot this, i have used them unsuccessfully but maybe i am missing something simple that anybody would not. Here they are: