Closed Akumar201 closed 2 years ago
Hello, I am using eye on base calibration, I would like to know how can I use my calibrated data to publish using publish.launch as almost every argument is related to eye on hand . How should I edit it to make it for eye on base
<?xml version="1.0"?> <launch> <arg name="eye_on_hand" doc="eye-on-hand instead of eye-on-base" /> <arg name="namespace_prefix" default="easy_handeye" /> <arg if="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="namespace" value="$(arg namespace_prefix)_eye_on_hand" /> <arg unless="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="namespace" value="$(arg namespace_prefix)_eye_on_base" /> <!--it is possible to override the link names saved in the yaml file in case of name clashes, for example--> <arg if="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="robot_effector_frame" default="" /> <arg unless="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="robot_base_frame" default="" /> <arg name="tracking_base_frame" default="" /> <arg name="inverse" default="false" /> <arg name="calibration_file" default="" /> <!--publish hand-eye calibration--> <group ns="$(arg namespace)"> <param name="eye_on_hand" value="$(arg eye_on_hand)" /> <param unless="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="robot_base_frame" value="$(arg robot_base_frame)" /> <param if="$(arg eye_on_hand)" name="robot_effector_frame" value="$(arg robot_effector_frame)" /> <param name="tracking_base_frame" value="$(arg tracking_base_frame)" /> <param name="inverse" value="$(arg inverse)" /> <param name="calibration_file" value="$(arg calibration_file)" /> <node name="$(anon handeye_publisher)" pkg="easy_handeye" type="" output="screen"/> </group> </launch>
Duplicate of #113
Hello, I am using eye on base calibration, I would like to know how can I use my calibrated data to publish using publish.launch as almost every argument is related to eye on hand . How should I edit it to make it for eye on base