Provide an example input, containing at least one complex with known solution for "redock"
HIV-1 is not the best but can be the case.
DockFlow has some possible scenarios that should be addressed by the notebooks.
Docking Protocol validation - Simple docking: with known results for one complex.
Docking Protocol validation - Cross docking: with known results for more than one complex.
Protocol validation - Simple docking: with known results for one complex.
** Docking Notebooks must be able to compare runs with different parameters.
Virtual Screening Protocol validation - with known results for some complexes, actives, inactives, DUD-E
Default evaluation metrics (please update)
RMSD to reference structure (if available)
RMSDFlow options to allow flexibility
Virtual Screening
Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC)
Area under the accumulation curve (AUAC)
Average rank of actives (Fraction of actives among Top3,5,10... )
Enrichment factor (EF)
** Robust initial enhancement (RIE) (Future)
Provide an example input, containing at least one complex with known solution for "redock"
HIV-1 is not the best but can be the case.
DockFlow has some possible scenarios that should be addressed by the notebooks.
Default evaluation metrics (please update)
Example of the expected output