IFMlab / ChemFlow

Computational Chemistry Workflows
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LigFlow/ScoreFlow search for ChemBase parametrized molecules #36

Open diegoenry opened 6 years ago

diegoenry commented 6 years ago

LigFlow/ScoreFlow should first search for a compound in ChemBase for parameters instead of recomputing all over again.

This is especially important for am1-bcc and even more for RESP which take a lot of time.

Another highlight here if to prevent recomputing the same parameters for the SAME molecule, in case a user wants to MMGBSA rescore multiple docking conformations.

diegoenry commented 6 years ago

Ideally, we must have a check at ChemFlow_functions to see if we have the pre-computed charges @ "$CHEMFLOW_HOME/ChemBase/${CHARGE}/"

If not, check it we have the pre-computed charges within "$PROJECT.chemflow/LigFlow/${CHARGE}/" (charge = bcc or resp )

If all fails, try to compute it, normally.

Quick update. I implemente the idea in a project folder.




for LIGAND in ${LIGAND_LIST} ; do


    if [ -f ${FILENAME} ] ; then
        awk '/1 MOL/&&!/TEMP/ {print $9}'  ${FILENAME} > charges.dat
        antechamber -i ligand_gas.mol2 -o ligand_bcc.mol2 -fi mol2 -fo mol2 -cf charges.dat -c rc -pf yes &> /dev/null

donadef commented 6 years ago

What about when the charge option is rest ? what is the procedure ?

donadef commented 6 years ago

Done. @diegoenry you might want to test and then you can close this issue :)