IFRA-Cranfield / ros2_RobotSimulation

ROS2.0 Foxy and Humble repositories which provide ready-to-use ROS2.0 Gazebo + MoveIt!2 simulation packages for different Industrial and Collaborative Robots.
Apache License 2.0
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Generate Parameter Library error in ROS2: FOXY #2

Closed pathakarvindk closed 1 year ago

pathakarvindk commented 1 year ago

While building the pkg, I am getting an error related to Generate Parameter Library.

I have cloned a pkg for Generate Parameter Library from (https://github.com/PickNikRobotics/generate_parameter_library) in ros2setup.

After that, I am getting an error related to rsl-config. For more details, screenshot is attached.

Screenshot from 2022-11-21 15-38-57

Can anyone give any direction w.r.t to this error.

Thank you

IFRA-Cranfield commented 1 year ago

Dear @pathakarvindk, First of all, thank you very much for reaching us!

With regard to your issue, it seems that the wrong version of ros2_controllers has been imported:

I have checked in the README.md file and the instructions are wrong, it is the foxy branch of ros2_controllers the one that must be imported to our ros2setup repository. I have changed the instructions accordingly:

git clone https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_controllers.git -b foxy

Thank you very much for raising the issue, and please do let us know if it works now with the updated instructions.

Best regards, Mikel Bueno Viso IFRA Group Centre for Robotics and Assembly, Cranfield University, UK

MikelBueno commented 1 year ago

New (updated) set-up and usage instructions uploaded to README.md files.