IFRA-Cranfield / ros2_RobotSimulation

ROS2.0 Foxy and Humble repositories which provide ready-to-use ROS2.0 Gazebo + MoveIt!2 simulation packages for different Industrial and Collaborative Robots.
Apache License 2.0
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All launchs with triggers/action fails ( humble ) #6

Closed FrGe2016 closed 1 year ago

FrGe2016 commented 1 year ago

Here are the error messages for ros2 launch ur10_ros2_moveit2 ur10_interface.launch.py ( typical of all robots tried)

Testing log trigers actions.txt

FrGe2016 commented 1 year ago

I have done may test related to the ros2_action and and ros2_executions

Here are a few comments : One build error for ros2_execution "abb-robot_msgs was missing in Import SERVICES: from abb_robot_msgs.srv import SetIOSignal

I added a .srv directory to ros2_data, copied the SetIOSignal.srv file from the abb_robot_driver_interfaces Added "srv/SetIOSignal.srv" in the CMakeLists.txt in the # ADD ROS2.0 .msg, .srv and .action files: section

        modified line 57 of execuion.py
        #from abb_robot_msgs.srv import SetIOSignal
         from ros2_data.srv import SetIOSignal

I had two problems with irb120_interface.launch.py egp64_RightFinger.dae was missing I reanmed the "Schunk Gripper - RIGHT FINGER.dae" Had to comment Attacher ( it had a file not found message, but it is in the specified directory ???) [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executable 'attacher_action.py' not found on the libexec directory '/home/francois/dev_ws/install/ros2_grasping/lib/ros2_grasping'

Since attacher is not started scripts involving grasping are not working

MikelBueno commented 1 year ago

Hi @FrGe2016,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

With regard to your last message:

As I've mentioned, please check that you've installed the correct branch, and do let me know if you have any problems.

Best regards, Mikel

FrGe2016 commented 1 year ago


In humble "egp64_RightFinger.dae" is required in the URDF but the file is not renamed in /irb120_ros2_gazebo/meshes)/egp64/ i have fixed it machine but the package could be modified to avoid this manual fix.

About attacher_action.py It is effectively under ros2_grasping/scripts, and it is installed through the package's CMakeLists.txt file it is also at the right place after build /home/francois/dev_ws/install/ros2_grasping/lib/ros2_grasping but for some unknown reason it is not found when i launch the package ?? ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executable 'attacher_action.py' not found on the libexec directory '/home/francois/dev_ws/install/ros2_grasping/lib/ros2_grasping'

Finally solved

Was compile with colcon build --symlink-install the the symlink was not executable Solution 1 : build without --syslink-install Solution 2 : have the 2 python files executable in the source directory with chmod ( my prefered solution )

FrGe2016 commented 1 year ago

Very interesting package

Here are a few improvement proposals :

ros2 launch irb120_ros2_moveit2 irb120_interface.launch.py Option 3: ABB IRB-120 Pick&Place Use-Case Option 3: Schunk EGP-64 parallel gripper ros2 run ros2_grasping spawn_object.py --package "ros2_grasping" --urdf "box.urdf" --name "box" --x 0.5 --y -0.3 --z 0.75 ros2 run ros2_execution ros2_execution.py --ros-args -p PROGRAM_FILENAME:="cubePP" -p ROBOT_MODEL:="irb120" -p EE_MODEL:="schunk"

Regards Francois