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Red Cross: Community-Based Surveillance
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Definition of the flows of global "settings" to local and how it can be overridden #936

Open einari opened 5 years ago

einari commented 5 years ago

The IFRC needs to centralized be able to define settings that are for everyone. Settings are specifically defined in each bounded context, and some bounded contexts might not have settings.

There needs to be a "global" tenant - which represents the IFRC. A person with the right authority / role (claim) can then perform changes to settings. This might be fine grained authorization down to each bounded context, or higher. This remains to be defined.

The settings have a specific set of rules on how it should work:


The inbox concept should something that is globally cross cuttingly available some how. We should look at having a system that the different bounded contexts can provide a definition for the different types of events it is interested in having associated actions with. For inspirational, we could be looking at how Microsoft Teams is doing this for its messages - a simple structure with details on it and actions that can point back to an action in the form of a URL that will deal with the acceptance.

Sketch(WIP, please comment for UI specific questions): https://preview.uxpin.com/6e81bbc0eae0da3e78943f7681e4dcdf552edb3b#/pages/102223366 (click on the alarm bell :) )


From a underlying infrastructure perspective, Dolittle needs to support the concept of routing events. Routing needs to be done in a one to many relationship with regards to taking events from one tenant to many. This means producing copies of any event falling into the routing for each tenant for instance. This should be generalized in a way that means we can do routing in many different ways. Another way of routing would be back from a local to a global as well. This needs an internal round at Dolittle to figure out a good way do this. There could be a pattern for recognizing things that are implicit.


When a tenant (national society) is to be provisioned. Every bounded context need to be able to be part of the provisioning, providing default data from this global "tenant" - for instance, settings like health risks from Admin and default thresholds from Alerts.

alexanderhoset commented 5 years ago

Added a cleaner role description of the global "tenant" in the Provisioning Paragraph

Ulriksen commented 5 years ago

There is a need to report aggregate numbers from each tenant into the global tenant to get a global overview, and this should be handled in the analytics domain on a global level.

tineml commented 5 years ago

This issue can wait until we have an earlier version of the platform in place. I can follow up on this issue once relevant again.