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[PROD] Django4 Admin geometry fields #2166

Open szabozoltan69 opened 4 weeks ago

szabozoltan69 commented 4 weeks ago


Recently it is not possible to update geometry fields (centroid, boundary box) from Django Admin.

In DJango3 there was also a hidden textarea for e.g. centroids, with id="id_centroid":

<a href="javascript:geodjango_centroid.clearFeatures()" data-jzz-gui-player="true">Delete all Features</a>
<textarea id="id_centroid" class="vWKTField required" cols="150" rows="10" name="centroid">POINT (2245128.33 5034984.47)</textarea>

– but in Django4 they appear as real textareas (with rich text options even) below the maps. This would be the normal appearance.

In Django4 this is the above quoted code part:

<a href="javascript:geodjango_centroid.clearFeatures()">Delete all Features</a>
<textarea id="id_centroid" class="vWKTField required" cols="150" rows="10" name="centroid" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"></textarea><div role="application" class="tox tox-tinymce" style="visibility: hidden; width: 1120px; height: 360px;" aria-disabled="false"><div class="tox-editor-container">...</div></div>
szabozoltan69 commented 4 weeks ago

A (local) workaround found: if we remove

    'selector': 'textarea'

from the TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG setting, everything works fine (with maps). Unfortunately also the other rich text fields converts to simple oldschool HTML textareas.

szabozoltan69 commented 4 weeks ago

Maybe this way? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35600829/how-to-have-all-tinymce-editors-as-standard-except-selected