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DREF request #1948

Closed tovari closed 2 years ago

tovari commented 3 years ago

The DREF request tool is a new form on GO to submit DREF appeal requests. The form consists of many drop-down lists, free text or decimal value fields, date fields, radio buttons, upload  function for external maps and photos. It can be linked to an existing Field Report (through a FR selection box) that will prepopulate many fields already available in the Field Report. After the form submission, the application approval flow will start. That means, that certain users will have specific permissions to approve these applications. This will involve multiple approvers. The form submitter user will be able to overview the ongoing and approved applications on a “My DREF applications” tab on the user account page.

Wireframes: https://www.figma.com/proto/RZTZdDWf6Xjweh9GA8rMGW/IFRC_GO_Wires_20210502?page-id=0%3A72&node-id=832%3A0&viewport=3953%2C3106%2C0.10871457308530807&scaling=scale-down-width&hide-ui=1


  1. DREF request form. - Form is described in the DREF application.xlsx document here: https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/files/General?groupId=a9de50a6-c405-49bd-aa85-d4534f7d6cf2&threadId=19%3A8f526fd5b918469799d2462ff2c5e1f0%40thread.skype&ctx=channel&context=DREF%2520tool&rootfolder=%252Fsites%252FGOIVfordeveloperteam%252FShared%2520Documents%252FGeneral%252FRequirement%2520documents%252FDREF%2520tool Fields that can be populated from the linked Field Report are also described in the same document (Data mapping from Field Reports section)
  2. Data tables
  3. 'My DREF applications' overview page - Requirements TBA.

No data integration with other systems is planned at the moment,


tovari commented 3 years ago

@frozenhelium, requirements may change a bit here and there, but the request form implementation and the related database updates could start based on the available document.

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

CC: @thenav56 @suraj-ram-shrestha

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

Very initial version available at https://ifrc-go-add-dref-application.surge.sh/dref-application

@tovari @marcovvu1

marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago


I went through it, it is looking good although of course some functionality is still missing of course. One thing I want to confirm is whether you ave the latest version of the tool, as some wording and sections will have to change in the preview based on the existing DREF application form @frozenhelium


Very initial version available at https://ifrc-go-add-dref-application.surge.sh/dref-application

@tovari @marcovvu1

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

@marcovvu1 @tovari We've nearly completed the DREF from and have started the internal testing. The testing server is available at: https://ifrc-go-feature-dref.surge.sh/ We're still polishing some of the features (mostly copying data from existing field report). It'll be available in the staging server very soon! We also have some of the questions for finalizing the DREF form, I'll reach out when I get the questions compiled.

marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago

@marcovvu1 @tovari We've nearly completed the DREF from and have started the internal testing. The testing server is available at: https://ifrc-go-feature-dref.surge.sh/ We're still polishing some of the features (mostly copying data from existing field report). It'll be available in the staging server very soon! We also have some of the questions for finalizing the DREF form, I'll reach out when I get the questions compiled.

Hi! thank you very much, we have had a look and have some minors request and inputs, I compiled them in the word document atttached, I tried to be as clear as possible, but let me know if you have any question. Feedback to the DREF application template.docx

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

Hi @marcovvu1, thanks for the feedback document. We'll work on that. Meanwhile, there are few queries about the copy behaviour from existing field report.

CC: @tovari

marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago

- Should we keep a reference to which FR was linked to copy the data? Yes as both the field report and the DREF application will be refering to the same emergency - Should we override the fields that are already filled by users? No, extract from the field report should be done at the beggining before user inputs data, if the user has inputed data before connecting to a fiedl report, we will need to assume that user data is newer. @tovari recommendation is to move the field of connecting to field report to the beggining of the application. - In case of multiple fields like country / regions, should we just add one more country / regions in dref or should we replace the existing ones? it should always be aligned, so if the DREF application already has a assigned country/region, the field report should not overwrite that one

I hope this helps

CC: @tovari

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

@marcovvu1 Thanks! That's much clear now. We'll move the option to link with FR to the first tab.

Another quick question, in the document, under Description of event, we have fields for 2 maps and upto 6 images, these 2 maps are separate from the map in Essential information section right? 2021-09-03-101339

marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago

DREF application CLEAN.docx Sharing the latest version of the form as I see some track changes there still. Regarding the images, there will 1 map, which is requiered to submit, and then some pictures, usually not more than 5. Sometimes there are other maps (e.g. made by other agencies on the event) that they will share in the requests, but this is more part of the images of the event (so part of those 5 I mentioned above). So, In Essential: there will be space to add the requiered map. In Description of the event: Chance to add up to 6 images. (this can be photos, additional maps, infographichs)

Hope this helps.

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago

@marcovvu1 @tovari Available for QA on testing server. We still need to decide on the Approval mechanism and the export format (Note: we have very basic export format for now)

marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago

@marcovvu1 @tovari Available for QA on testing server. We still need to decide on the Approval mechanism and the export format (Note: we have very basic export format for now)


Please see attached document with a second round of feedback, same format to the one share before. Please let me know if you have any question or comment.

Regarding the aproval process, this is what has been decided so far: We will add a funtion for users to share the form with other users. Those who have received a form, will have the oportunity to edit, and further share the the form with others. The form will be visible to only those that have recevied it.

The current "Submit" botom, will change to "Export" and it will have the funtionality to export in a PDF version the form.

Let me know if you have any question or comment on this.

Regarding the export, I will soon share a template on how the PDF version should look like once exported.

Thanks, great work!


Feedback to the DREF application template second round.docx

frozenhelium commented 3 years ago
Hi @marcovvu1, here's the list of fields with the status of their copy from FR implementation. Source field Target field Copied Remarks
Request title Disaster name No We don't have Disaster name field in dref
Country Names Affected Country Yes
Disaster Type ID Disaster Type ID Yes
FR creation date Date of GO field report Yes
Situational overview Description of the event Yes
Actions Taken by National SOciety Red Cross (if any) National Society Actions No Data structure mismatch
Actions taken by any other RCRC Movement actors RCRC Partner NSs No Data structure mismatch
Actions by IFRC IFRC No Data structure mismatch
Actions Taken by Others (Governments, UN) Government/ UN Yes
National Society Contact National Society Contact Yes
IFRC Focal Point for the Emergency IFRC Focal Point for the Emergency Yes
Media Contact Media Contact Yes
marcovvu1 commented 3 years ago

@frozenhelium Question. For the textboxs, is it possible that when I am over the maximum accepted characters (e.g. max 800) it tells me how many characters do I have, so I know how much above the max I am? max characteres

tovari commented 2 years ago

Hey @frozenhelium, thanks for the pdf export function! Two of remarks:

anamariaescobar commented 2 years ago

Latest and final feedback:

CC: @tovari @frozenhelium @suraj-ram-shrestha @marcovvu1

frozenhelium commented 2 years ago

@marcovvu1 @anamariaescobar Update to the testing server. CC: @tovari @suraj-ram-shrestha

anamariaescobar commented 2 years ago

Thanks @frozenhelium!

A couple of comments from the PDF export:

Attached the PDF export with the comments in case it is easier to follow :) Template comment Marilia 2212.pdf

@tovari @marcovvu1

frozenhelium commented 2 years ago

Thanks @anamariaescobar I'll take a look and try to fix these

marcovvu1 commented 2 years ago

@frozenhelium thanks for our conversation today, as I mentioned, here is the feedback we have.

DREF Request form

DREF Request Export

Ops Update

For the offline template @tovari

frozenhelium commented 2 years ago

Here's the link for the test server with latest changes: https://ifrc-go-feature-dref-operational-update.surge.sh/

marcovvu1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot Ankit! As mentioned, please see additional feedback based on the latest version you have shared. Lets discuss it tomorrow.

DREF Request

DREF Operational Update

marcovvu1 commented 2 years ago

@frozenhelium @anamariaescobar @tovari Guys we finally have the funtional requierements for the DREF Final Report!!

Please see the word document attached. The Final Report is pretty much based on the existing DREF Request and Operational Update, with some rearranging of some fields, and also you will notice that some other fields do not make it to the DREF Final report.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out directly on Teams.

DREF Final Report requirements.docx