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Skull & Bones vram usage maxed out A750 first town #707

Open Anoniemer opened 4 months ago

Anoniemer commented 4 months ago

Checklist [README]

Game [Required]

Skull & Bones Open Beta

Game Platform [Required]

Other game platform

No response

Processor / Processor Number [Required]

Ryzen 5 5600

Graphic Card [Required]

Arc A750

GPU Driver Version [Required]

Other GPU Driver version

No response

Rendering API [Required]

Windows Build Number [Required]

Other Windows build number

No response

Intel System Support Utility report


Description and steps to reproduce [Required]

When entering first big town vram usage on my a750 is at 7.8GB and game performance is pretty low and stuttering. In the bay area at start of beta its much lower vram (6.5 to 7GB) usage at higher settings. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QxSlffX50

I also saw a guy with a 1060 getting around same fps, also low setting just TAA balanced instead of FSR Quality with 4-4.5GB vram usage and no stuttering. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1KvEviwAJg

Game graphic quality [Required]

Game resolution [Required]


Game VSync [Required]


Game display mode [Required]

Detailed game settings [Required]

Lowest settings, FSR set to quality. 1080P and 1440P

Device / Platform name

No response

Crash dumps [Required, if applicable]

No response

Save game

No response

mujeeb-intel commented 4 months ago

Hello @Anoniemer Please try with the latest driver by going here: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/785597/intel-arc-iris-xe-graphics-windows.html As this supports day 1 for skull and bones.

Anoniemer commented 4 months ago

This is already with the latest game ready driver

mujeeb-intel commented 4 months ago

Got it. I was confused because the gpu driver mentioned in this github post was "" also can you confirm whether you are on the skull and bones beta? I know the premium edition of the game allows 3 days of early access, is that what you're on?

Anoniemer commented 4 months ago

Yes driver is 5194 which is latest one. Also the same one you just linked me. Yes I was playing the open beta, do not feel like preordering any game these days.

mujeeb-intel commented 4 months ago

Actually, the one I have linked is the 101.5252 and that is the one with supporting skulls and bones, can you try on this, please?. Makes sense, I too, don't pre order until some time has passed by for the patches. The last game I pre-ordered was cyberpunk 2077 and we all know how the launch went.

Edit: Ignore my message. You are talking about the same driver as I am.

mujeeb-intel commented 4 months ago

So I was playing this today. I don't think I've reached at the same map place as yours. The two missions from black smith has been done and noticed fps in high 40s fps and 60 when in the sea with the vram being used 6GB.

Is this the island you are on? I think your video said "pirate town" can you help tell me how far I am from this mission to reach pirate town? It's a very slow game.

Anoniemer commented 4 months ago

I don’t know if official game follows the same but it started with big ship battle, then your ship gets wrecked and you get picked up a woman in smaller boat. Once in the boat I finished all the quests there. That area had a big ship cut in half basically and you could sail through the middle (see video for area), after doing some of the quests there I was able to leave that area and got in that pirate town (whatever official name is). Was like 30 minutes in or so.

Anoniemer commented 4 months ago

Here is a video I found and the area I have problems is 24 minutes in. https://youtu.be/_t--dIfd-yI?si=yIjSuYsGdFaQke7g