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Pirate101 - Crash to desktop when teleporting from skyways when using Arc GPUs #756

Closed candersogithub closed 1 week ago

candersogithub commented 2 months ago

Checklist [README]

Game [Required]


Game Platform [Required]

Other game platform

KingsIsle Entertainment

Processor / Processor Number [Required]


Graphic Card [Required]

Intel Arc 750

GPU Driver Version [Required]

Other GPU Driver version

No response

Rendering API [Required]

Windows Build Number [Required]

Other Windows build number

No response

Intel System Support Utility report


Description and steps to reproduce [Required]

When I refer to "zoning" or "teleporting", these are actions that lead to the game loading a new area. Moving from one area to another.

Issue is seen when:

There is nothing particular that you need to do cause this to happen, other than using an Intel Arc GPU. You just need to have access to enough of the game to be able to teleport or zone into different areas. It does seem to happen more frequently for me when in MooShu skyways, or when teleporting back to Skull Island. It does not happen every time. It happens ~10% of the time.

If I switch back to onboard Intel graphics or to my 1650 Super, the issue never happens.

Also, I realize I have a unique setup, using a 10th gen NUC with an eGPU with an Intel a750, but I have spoken to others that play the game and have Arc GPUs in a more standard system and they have the same problem.

Game graphic quality [Required]

Game resolution [Required]


Game VSync [Required]


Game display mode [Required]

Detailed game settings [Required]

image image

Device / Platform name


Crash dumps [Required, if applicable]


Save game

No response

candersogithub commented 2 months ago

Please let me know if you need any more info or clarification. I know it is an obscure game, but it is one of the few games that I can play with my wife and kids, and we all have fun with it...except when dad's game crashes and they all have to wait for me :)

I'm not sure if the dump file I attached is actually a crash dump file. It was the latest dump file of any kind I could find in the game's directories. The next time it crashes, I will see if I can see where it saves the dump files to. I do see it generating dump files each time it crashes, but so far, I have only been submitting those to the game developers. The consensus from the pirate101 community is that the game devs believe this is solely an Arc driver issue and not something they can fix on their end.

Vivek-Intel commented 2 months ago

@candersogithub thanks for reporting the issue. Can you try updating the driver to latest one 101.5382

candersogithub commented 2 months ago

I upgraded to that version 2 days ago. I will let you know if it happens again.

Vivek-Intel commented 2 months ago

@candersogithub if issue is not happening anymore, can we close this thread and you can reopen it.

candersogithub commented 2 months ago

Ok, the game crashed again on me tonight. It seems like there is much higher likelihood of crashing when you are navigating in the MooShu skyways (Subata, Hamamitsu and Khotan Skyways). It didn't trigger the game to create a crash dump, it just crashed straight to desktop. Here is the regular game log. Captains - Copy.log

Vivek-Intel commented 1 month ago

Hi @candersogithub we were unable to reproduce this issue with latest drivers. can you check and tell us exactly where do you see the issue consistently. You have mentioned that issue is inconsistent so would appreciate if you can point us exactly where the chances of occurring the issue are maximum.

candersogithub commented 1 month ago

The issue is most frequent when you are in your boat in these skyways (Subata, Hamamitsu and Khotan Skyways) and either zoning into a neighboring skyway or teleporting out of those skyways (like back to Skull Island or back to where you marked your X). I have not encountered the issue since my last posting, but I have not been playing the game as much and definitely not in the 3 mentioned skyways.

I would be curious to know if you could reproduce the issue with an older driver, just to make sure your system is capable of reproducing the issue at all.

Vivek-Intel commented 3 weeks ago

@candersogithub we have tried couple of systems to check this issue but we could not reproduce the issue consistently. In fact we reproduce the issue only once on older driver but after that we did not see any crash on old or latest driver at all.

It is not possible debug the issue without reproducing it in our lab more consistently. Please keep upgrading to latest driver and know that we will give few more trial to reproduce it before we close this issue as inconsistent game behavior

candersogithub commented 3 weeks ago

OK, well that is good news to hear it is more stable on newer drivers. I have not been able to play the game much recently anyway, so it is not something I have actively been checking on. Thanks for your support.

Vivek-Intel commented 1 week ago

Hi @candersogithub, we need to close this issue as of now because it seems like inconsistent game behavior and very low repro rate. We will re-look into this issue if it is reproducible consistently across all systems.

@IGCIT please help close this thread as of now.