IGCIT / Intel-GPU-Community-Issue-Tracker-IGCIT

IGCIT is a Community-driven issue tracker for Intel GPUs.
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NFS Unbound: Wraps on the right side of cars turn black #772

Open weebawop opened 2 months ago

weebawop commented 2 months ago

Checklist [README]

Game [Required]

Need for Speed Unbound

Game Platform [Required]

Other game platform

No response

Processor / Processor Number [Required]


Graphic Card [Required]


GPU Driver Version [Required]

Other GPU Driver version

No response

Rendering API [Required]

Windows Build Number [Required]

Other Windows build number

No response

Intel System Support Utility report


Description and steps to reproduce [Required]

Go into lakeshore online and equip a wrap with lots of stickers on your car, when you go out to drive the car, or change the car, the stickers on the right side of the car will turn black. I have 70 cars, I'm not sure whether the problem occurs if you only have one car, but it doesn't take 70 cars for the issue to show up.

If the car has the issue, going into the style or performance menus will fix it temporarily, but leaving the garage or changing cars will make the issue reappear.

broken wraps wrap bug

Game graphic quality [Required]

Game resolution [Required]


Game VSync [Required]


Game display mode [Required]

Detailed game settings [Required]

1080p low, XeSS performance

Device / Platform name

No response

Crash dumps [Required, if applicable]

No response

Save game

No response

Zack-Intel commented 1 month ago

Hi @weebawop

Appreciate the report and checklist. I'll get testing on my end and have an update by the end of the week on my findings.

Zack-Intel commented 1 month ago

Hi @weebawop

I apologize, but I ran into an issue with my system trying to set up this replication. I will work to resolve it and have a concrete update in a few days.

In the meantime, can you share if this is a regression issue and if it's seen on other graphics settings?

Zack-Intel commented 1 month ago

Hi @weebawop

I was able to reproduce this issue. I will work to collect logs and get this ticket escalated to see if debug team will work on it.

In the meantime, can you clarify the previous questions on if this has been a regression and if other graphics configurations still show the issue?