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Add HDMI VRR/Freesync support to Arc GPUs #791

Closed toriko2 closed 1 week ago

toriko2 commented 2 weeks ago

Application [Required]

Any gaming application/ Feature in Arc Control

Processor / Processor Number [Required]

AMD 7700x

Graphic Card [Required]

ASRock Intel Arc A750

Rendering API [Required]

Windows Build Number [Required]

Other Windows build number

No response

Describe the feature [Required]

Currently Intel Arc doesn't support VRR over HDMI based on issue thread #590 . Given this, I'm creating this request with the hope that it can be added. Unfortunately it seems the HDMI 2.1 port on Arc cards is incompatible with VRR due to its PCON conversion chip. However to my knowledge the other HDMI port, which is version 2.0, is native and may potentially be able to support VRR. This seems possible given the fact that the original Xbox One, which uses the older 1.4 version of HDMI, has VRR support enabled. Though its of course a different manufacturer, being AMD, so I understand if Intel Arc cards are unable to support this.

Additional notes

At the end of thread #590 I was instructed to make this a feature request. Apologies for the delay in doing so.

Gabriela-Intel commented 1 week ago

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I filed this and passed it along to the team. We really appreciate the feedback!

@IGCIT Please close

toriko2 commented 1 week ago

Hi, I very much so appreciate passing my issue along to the team. Though after recent research I'm very confused as to why the following pieces of information are distributed

These articles mention that HDMI 2.1 VRR support is available on arc cards "The Intel® Arc™ A770 Limited Edition and A750 Limited Edition Graphics offer an HDMI 2.1 output with support for variable refresh rate" quoted from this article https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000091128/graphics.html These articles also imply the same thing: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000098241/graphics.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000096980/graphics.html

My confusion is a such; do intel arc cards actually support VRR over HDMI 2.1 or no? Because in thread #590 it is implied that it doesn't work. Is there some unique hardware difference about the limited edition cards that allows them to use VRR that my ASRock card doesn't have? I would just appreciate some clarification for the sake of technical transparency.

Gabriela-Intel commented 1 week ago

As Karen mentioned in your other thread, VRR should be supported via HDMI 2.1 but it was determined after investigation that it's not working and was identified as a 3rd party issue so we're asking to contact the PCON manufacturer for support.

And yes I completely agree it IS confusing. I'll work with the team to get these articles updated so it accurately reflects the information that's been shared in this thread and thread #590.

Hope that helps clarify!!

toriko2 commented 1 week ago

That clears up most of my confusion! So I appreciate the answer. I have contacted the PCON manufacturer(Synaptics) and ASRock so hopefully it gets resolved.

One last question though, is my issue exclusive to the ASRock line of cards or do the limited edition cards sold by you folk have the same issue? Because that was left ambiguous in the last thread.

Gabriela-Intel commented 1 week ago

My understanding is that the issue can be seen on LE cards as well, but it's more sporadic.

By the way, thanks so much for your understanding and patience! This one wasn't exactly a clear cut issue. :)