IGCIT / Intel-GPU-Community-Issue-Tracker-IGCIT

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Grand Theft Auto 5 FiveM performance issues #818

Open GottaSlay opened 2 weeks ago

GottaSlay commented 2 weeks ago

Checklist [README]

Game [Required]

Grand Theft Auto 5 FiveM

Game Platform [Required]

Other game platform


Processor / Processor Number [Required]

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D

Graphic Card [Required]

Acer Intel Arc A770 Predator BiFrost OC

GPU Driver Version [Required]

Other (Please specify)

Other GPU Driver version Non-WHQ

Rendering API [Required]

Windows Build Number [Required]

Other Windows build number

No response

Intel System Support Utility report


Description and steps to reproduce [Required]

Launch any server via the FiveM launcher and load into the game: Game settings: image image image image

The FPS is far less than expected and the GPU usage hovers at around 50%.

Game graphic quality [Required]

Game resolution [Required]


Game VSync [Required]


Game display mode [Required]

Detailed game settings [Required]

I've shared the settings above.

Device / Platform name

No response

Crash dumps [Required, if applicable]

No response

Save game

No response

Felipe-Intel commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @GottaSlay I understand this is a mod for GTA V. Please create a CapframeX capture during your gameplay (5 to 10 minutes) to compare it with a run in my lab system with an unmodded instance of the game. More so, if it is possible for you to test the game without mods in your system it would be great, so we can rule out this mods are affecting the performance of the game. Please also share the configuration file along with the captures so we can use the same values. This file should be located in _C:\Users\\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Settings.xml_ (C: or the driver where your game is installed). Also attach the SSU report of your system.

GottaSlay commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! It is indeed a mod but also a multiplayer mod with a large userbase. I'll get back to you with the SSU report and a CapframeX capture.

Felipe-Intel commented 6 days ago

@GottaSlay any luck with the capture? In the non-moded GTA-V (story mode, father/son mission) I see around 96 FPS average during the mission.

Use the following graphics config (not sure if the settings file is in the same location for your game version)

Open C:\users\\Documents\Rockstar Games\settings.xml Replace the according sections with the following configuration and save the file.


<Tessellation value="3" />

<LodScale value="1.000000" />

<PedLodBias value="0.000000" />

<VehicleLodBias value="0.000000" />

<ShadowQuality value="3" />

<ReflectionQuality value="3" />

<ReflectionMSAA value="8" />

<SSAO value="2" />

<AnisotropicFiltering value="16" />

<MSAA value="0" />

<MSAAFragments value="0" />

<MSAAQuality value="0" />

<SamplingMode value="0" />

<TextureQuality value="2" />

<ParticleQuality value="2" />

<WaterQuality value="2" />

<GrassQuality value="1" />

<ShaderQuality value="2" />

<Shadow_SoftShadows value="4" />

<UltraShadows_Enabled value="true" />

<Shadow_ParticleShadows value="false" />

<Shadow_Distance value="1.000000" />

<Shadow_LongShadows value="true" />

<Shadow_SplitZStart value="0.930000" />

<Shadow_SplitZEnd value="0.890000" />

<Shadow_aircraftExpWeight value="0.990000" />

<Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck value="false" />

<Reflection_MipBlur value="true" />

<FXAA_Enabled value="true" />

<TXAA_Enabled value="false" />

<Lighting_FogVolumes value="true" />

<Shader_SSA value="true" />

<DX_Version value="2" />

<CityDensity value="1.000000" />

<PedVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />

<VehicleVarietyMultiplier value="1.000000" />

<PostFX value="1" />

<DoF value="false" />

<HdStreamingInFlight value="true" />

<MaxLodScale value="1.000000" />

<MotionBlurStrength value="0.000000" />

GottaSlay commented 4 days ago

Hey. Unfortunately I've been busy and haven't had the time to get the capture quite yet.