start game for first time --> user prompted to enter their information (username)
immediately taken to play the 2048 game
once the player dies --> backend fetches the final score and saves it in the database --> sorts the scores using ALL fibonacci search algorithm / sorting algorithm --> displays game score on player leaderboard
Leaderboard page: shows name and highest score
User has choice to either "play again" or "exit" --> if play again, save their username information for the new game, or exit then take to exit page
Frontend Wireframe
CLICK HERE --> Canva Link (Must be signed into Poway Unified account or else won't have access to view)
[x] Grace: User input
[x] Grace: 2048
[x] Emma: Player Leaderboard
[x] Emma: Sorting algorithm Leaderboard
[x] Isabelle: Diagram of how frontend & backend interacts
game generates array of fibonacci numbers based on user input
algorithm efficiency page inherits numbers for use in sorting algorithms
Why make this?
Games are fun --> target audience are teenagers who are video game addicted
Learn the fibonacci sequence subconsciously --> very important they are seen everywhere in nature!
11/14/2023 - 11/15/2023
2584 Game
Logic Flow
Frontend Wireframe CLICK HERE --> Canva Link (Must be signed into Poway Unified account or else won't have access to view)
Why make this?
Backend Resources
Fibonacci understanding
s generated by F(n+1) = F(n + F(n-1) where F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1 --> initial values