IGI-111 / Smith

A simple text editor written in Rust
MIT License
168 stars 6 forks source link

Is there documentation? #29

Open detly opened 4 years ago

detly commented 4 years ago

I can't find documentation (eg. on keybindings, how to use, customisation) on the Github page or Wiki. If it needs to be written, a note to that effect would be helpful on the main readme so new users don't go looking for it (if I use it enough I'd contribute myself; if you have a system in mind add that to the note).

I installed Smith with v1.3.0 with Cargo on Ubuntu 19.10.

IGI-111 commented 4 years ago

As it is there is no documentation of the keybindings, though they are all in https://github.com/IGI-111/Smith/blob/master/src/command/mod.rs

I thought about adding a help page you could access with F1 with all of them neatly explained but I haven't gotten around to it so far.

detly commented 4 years ago

Cheers. I'll take a look, use it some more, and contribute something if I can.