IGITUGraz / WeatherDiffusion

Code for "Restoring Vision in Adverse Weather Conditions with Patch-Based Denoising Diffusion Models" [TPAMI 2023]
MIT License
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The question about test #28

Open formerlya opened 2 weeks ago

formerlya commented 2 weeks ago

I use python eval_diffusion.py --config "allweather.yml" --resume 'WeatherDiff64.pth.tar' --test_set 'raindrop' --sampling_timesteps 25 --grid_r 16 or 4 python eval_diffusion.py --config "allweather.yml" --resume 'WeatherDiff64.pth.tar' --test_set 'rainfog' --sampling_timesteps 25 --grid_r 16 or 4 python eval_diffusion.py --config "allweather.yml" --resume 'WeatherDiff64.pth.tar' --test_set 'snow' --sampling_timesteps 25 --grid_r 16 or 4 to test.


I didn't change the code, how to fix it?

formerlya commented 2 weeks ago

when I test with python eval_diffusion.py --config "allweather.yml" --resume 'WeatherDiff64.pth.tar' --test_set 'rainfog' --sampling_timesteps 25 --grid_r 16 the input image is 1 3 480 720 the xt_patch and x_cond_patch is 1134 3 64 64,when error happened the outputs is 16 3 64 * 64