IGITUGraz / WeatherDiffusion

Code for "Restoring Vision in Adverse Weather Conditions with Patch-Based Denoising Diffusion Models" [TPAMI 2023]
MIT License
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Training time #7

Closed tonia86 closed 1 year ago

tonia86 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your interesting work! I would like to know, how long does it take to train WeatherDiff64?

oozdenizci commented 1 year ago

We have included some information regarding this in our paper supplementary (which will be available soon). For us, WeatherDiff64 model training for 2M iterations took ~15 days on 4 NVIDIA-A40 GPUs.

FYI - I have just added a pre-trained model checkpoint link to the repository, which should be sufficient for fast evaluations if needed.

tonia86 commented 1 year ago

That's great, thanks for your reply!