The gEAR Portal was created as a data archive and viewer for gene expression data including microarrays, bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq and more.
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sign in issues #215

Closed beamilon closed 1 year ago

beamilon commented 2 years ago

New people who signed in during the workshop get signed out each time they go back to the main page.

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

@beamilon which page were they trying to access when they got signed out?

The process was sign-in -> new page -> back to main page, which signs them out?

beamilon commented 2 years ago

Yes I think that's correct. Going back to the main page from another page in gEAR logs them out

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Fixing that will be priority 1 for me next week (since it's a bit too quick a turnaround to resolve during the workshop). @beamilon do you know if they are clicking the "gEAR" icon to get to the front page, or are they hitting the "Back" button? Since there are multiple ways to navigate to the main page, it would be useful to know if any specific means of navigation are causing this.

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

I also wonder if this is happening after navigating away from specific pages. @JPReceveur told me he has observed this behavior on the manual and dataset explorer pages, both of which I have not touched.

beamilon commented 2 years ago

@adkinsrs: I don't know if they click "gEAR" icon to get to the front page, or if they were hitting the "Back" button?

JPReceveur commented 2 years ago

Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. at window.onload (index.1644613005866.js:254:14)

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

This is the console error that I asked @JPReceveur when it replicated this issue going back to the main page. Since I added the MutationObserver to the compare tool and the multigene curator tool, one would also expect this to show on those pages as well. I think the difficulty is that I personally haven't been able to replicate this, so despite being up-to-date on my browser (matching the same version as @JPReceveur ), there is something preventing me from getting this console error.

There may be a chance that the MutationObserver is loaded and watching before the logged-in controls are fully loaded, which causes the error. The logged-in controls are supposed to be on async and load before anything else. I think the best course of action would be to comment out the MutationObserver code for now

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

On second thought, I think commenting those out would not be the best course of action since some initial genecart/dataset/profile tree loading for a couple pages occurs after the logged in user changes from the default "user" user (logged out status) to the logged-in user.

So I need to work on ensuring the "logged in controls" load before the mutation observer loads.

/end braindump

adkinsrs commented 2 years ago

I commited c554f4e which I hope addresses the sign-in issues by giving the MutationObserver an alternative element to watch if it is created before the navigation bar (with the login controls) is loaded. I have also merged this commit into the "genecart_frontpage" branch, and deployed that update to the "devel" server (devel.umgear.org) if anyone wants to test.

adkinsrs commented 1 year ago

Fixed via #341

Currently fixed in "projectR" branch, which is currently deployed on the gear-devel server. It will be deployed to the production server in a future update

jorvis commented 1 year ago

Why is this on the projectR branch when it's unrelated to projectR?

adkinsrs commented 1 year ago

I was trying to avoid working on "main" since you mentioned you were going to update the servers soon. I can mirror this commit in "main" too if necessary

But yes, I should have just opened a separate branch for this.