The gEAR Portal was created as a data archive and viewer for gene expression data including microarrays, bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq and more.
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Allow user to disable downloads for their dataset #429

Open jorvis opened 1 year ago

jorvis commented 1 year ago

We assumed this might come up, and a user has now officially requested it.

jorvis commented 9 months ago

Carlo argues that it makes sense to do this automatically for private datasets.

adkinsrs commented 1 month ago

This has been implemented in v2 as part of the dataset curator rewrite (#671). The user will be able to toggle if a dataset they own is downloadable in "edit mode". The dataset is also not downloadable if the h5ad file is not found also.

adkinsrs commented 1 month ago

Carlo argues that it makes sense to do this automatically for private datasets.

(April 16 2024, 2:22 pm EDT) ALTER TABLE dataset ADD COLUMN is_downloadable tinyint default 1 after is_public; It’s 1 by default because I think people not wanting their dataset to be downloaded is less the norm

Also worth noting that we decided (in Slack) to make a dataset downloadable by default no matter the privacy setting... the user will have to update their preferences. Ideally the only way someone is accessing a private dataset is through a share permalink. But I am open to changing the default option,. However, note the ALTER TABLE command has already been placed on the devel instances of gear and nemoanalytics, so there would be a subset of devel private datasets with "downloadable" enabled by default.

Also reopening because I realized I did not set a check to hide the expression viewer display dropdown menu option for cases where it is not downloadable