The gEAR Portal was created as a data archive and viewer for gene expression data including microarrays, bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq and more.
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Issue with dataset #627

Open gear-portal-team opened 7 months ago

gear-portal-team commented 7 months ago

From: Joe Receveur

Email: jreceve@som.umaryland.edu

Server IP:

Msg: The dataset Human Hypothalamus Neurons, Lein, Kriegstein and Zhou Datasets Violin is resulting in a error in the multigene display Please look at the dataset in the multigene display -Joe

Tags: ['']

Screenshot: None

adkinsrs commented 7 months ago

This is on the nemoanalytics server, yes? Are single-gene displays rendered properly? Is it just a single multigene display giving the issue or any created one?


JPReceveur commented 7 months ago

Yes on NeMO, Brian just put out a paper with links to NeMO analytics that are getting a fair bit of interest. Single gene displays are working fine, its also hitting an error on the tsne/umap step in the single cell workbench, which makes me think its a dataset issue and not an gEAR issue. I'll look into it some more today, I just used the gEAR contact form since we had someone come up to us in person to ask about it yesterday at the NeMO booth at the SfN meeting and didn't have time to figure out their issue on the spot.