IGSD-UoW / wfenexus

An open source prototype for a visual interface to support research and Nexus engagements, designed collaborativelly as part of Creating interfaces' WP4.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Barplot for % of waterfootprint #8

Open ccamara opened 3 years ago

ccamara commented 3 years ago

Create a horizontal barplot displaying the ingredients' percentage of total waterfootrpint. Ideally per number of uses or kg

User story:

ccamara commented 3 years ago

Consider comparting two barplots: one that does not take into account how much is used every ingredient, and another one taking into account that. That would give information about their choices:

Are we using an ingredient with a big water footprint too much? Could we substitute it for another one?

If we had the kcal per ingredient, we might compare that, too.