IGSN / metadata

IGSN description and registration metadata schema development
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geoLocations #15

Open kitchenprinzessin3880 opened 8 years ago

kitchenprinzessin3880 commented 8 years ago
  1. Consider renaming the element geoLocations - at present, it is unclear if this refers to the location where a resources was collected/curated.
  2. geoLocation - geometry, toponym - you may simply this by eliminating the element 'geoLocation' and set the XML 'choice' element max occurrence as 'unbounded'. A user may specify spatial and non-spatial location at the same time.
  3. geometry type - consider using wkt format
  4. sridType -- expand the values or consider using a list of EPSG codes (http://www.epsg-registry.org/), e.g., "EPSG:XXX", where "XXX" is the EPSG code for the referenced coordinate system; "none" shall be provided if the coordinate system is unreferenced. -- this element shoud be set as 'required'.
smrgeoinfo commented 8 years ago

geolocation element should be 1..*, but needs a 'locationScheme' attribute to indicate conventions used.