IHE Devices Service-oriented Device Point-of-care Interoperability (SDPi) profiles supplement specification materials and related tooling.
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Append ToI: SystemContext Profiling & Use #49

Open ToddCooper opened 1 year ago

ToddCooper commented 1 year ago

See Topic: SystemContext Profiling & Use confluence page.

NOTE: For SDPi 1.0 will introduce the topic and provide some basic guidance; full treatment will be advanced in SDPi 1.x and later versions.

ToddCooper commented 1 year ago

From SDPi 1.0 Workshop: For this version, we'll limit ourselves to a simple precondition (device is coupled via patient or location), Ken will add that to the use cases, Todd will integrate some of the explanatory text to volume 3, needs to be rediscussed in a later version, David will make equipment label and location mandatory (if available) in the discovery in volume 2 - Consumers can connect based on location, equipment label or everyone in the scope

AnnaFeiler commented 1 year ago

May be obsolete, once device coupling is resolved.

PeterKranich commented 4 months ago

IMHO, this topic relates to clinical use cases and we should add guidelines for such use cases. In addition, we have new uses cases with silent ICU: e. g. infusion pump is connected to rack system and then the pump is removed from the rack for a temporary procedure, or for patient transfer to another bed location. How should the Location Context / Patient Context behave in these scenarios?

Could be moved to SDPi 1.x or Workshop Topic.