IHE / IT-Infrastructure

Online repository for information assets supporting the profiles (implementation specifications) in the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework.
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Extension of the Profile “Security Retrieve” #177

Open JohnMoehrke opened 2 years ago

JohnMoehrke commented 2 years ago
  1. Proposed Work Item: Extension of the Profile “Security Retrieve”

Proposal Editor: Martin Smock, eHealth Suisse Work Item Editor: Martin Smock, eHealth Suisse Date: 9-Feb-2022 Version: 1.0 Domain: IHE ITI

  1. The Problem

As mentioned in the IHE Access Control Whitepaper, IHE provides profiles for most of the actors and transctions required for access control:

In the years after publication of the Access Control Whitepaper, additional supplements were published focusing on some additional aspects of access control:

While most of the profiles and supplements are generic and applicable for access control for many use cases, the Secure Retrieve (SeR) supplement is not. The messages defined in the supplement were designed for policy enforcement of an XDS.b repostory and the application of the profile is therefore limited to the document retrieval use case only. Currently the profile cannot be aplied to policy enforcement in other use cases (e.g. PIX) and other components of an affinity domain or in cross enterprise scenario.

The intention of the work item is to rework the SeR supplement to support other use cases and increase its applicability for policy enforcement as part of the access control infrastructure. The goal is to rework the SeR supplement to be extensible (i.e. definition of additional use cases and national extensions), preserving backward compatibility, so that no changes will be required in current SeR implementations.

  1. Key Use Case

The key use cases to be adressed by the work item are:

  1. Standards & Systems

The extension of SeR shall not introduce new standards. The work item extends the current version of the SeR supplement using the XACML 2.0 standard, the current version is based upon.

  1. Discussion

Remark (M. Smock):

JohnMoehrke commented 2 years ago
