The Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) Profile defines a lightweight RESTful interface to a patient demographics supplier leveraging technologies readily available to mobile applications and lightweight browser based applications.
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Forward text is added to Sec 4 Overview #3

Closed lynnfel closed 3 years ago

lynnfel commented 3 years ago

In PDQm (PDF) https://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/ITI/IHE_ITI_Suppl_PDQm.pdf, Section 38.4 Overview starts with 38.4.1 Concepts

In the IG, http://build.fhir.org/ig/IHE/ITI.PDQm/branches/main/overview.html starts with the content from the Forward (usually content that is 'dropped' when we go from TI to FT). If a reader is going through Vol 1, s/he navigates through 3 prior pages before getting to this introductory-type text

Suggestion: Move this to the PDQm "Home" page. Or, remove the "Forward" and "Intro to this supplement" headers and keep the text here

lynnfel commented 3 years ago

this is probably related to issue #17

JohnMoehrke commented 3 years ago


The IHE-FHIR guidance is that there is no throwaway text, outside of the open/closed page. The concept of an intro prior to the table of contents seems similar to the throwaway text in supplement form.

JohnMoehrke commented 3 years ago

that text should not be in overview.html. I will move some of it to index.html, and others to issues... as discussed on the call today