The Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (PDQm) Profile defines a lightweight RESTful interface to a patient demographics supplier leveraging technologies readily available to mobile applications and lightweight browser based applications.
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editor 1 #72

Closed JohnMoehrke closed 2 years ago

JohnMoehrke commented 2 years ago

Observations on PDQm Vol 2, all editorial in nature:


Remove the "HTTP GET” text from Figure 3.78.4-1 since we can now use GET or POST for the query. Removing that from the figure effectively defers to details in message semantics


In the “identifier” row, the following two sentences can be deleted from the end of Col 2 because they appear at the beginning of the definition: “...The identifier specified in this parameter is expressed using the token search parameter type. Please see ITI TF-2:Appendix Z.2.2 for use of the token data type for patient identifiers.”


Change “query parameters” to “search parameters”


Is the comma correct in this example: &identifier=urn:oid:1.2.3|,urn:oid:4.5.6|


The information response provided by the Patient Demographics Supplier to the Patient Demographics Consumer is a list… Case 1: The Patient Demographics Supplier finds in its information source at least one patient record sent as HTTP query search parameters. …then do a global replace of "query parameters" with "search parameters" (there are more, at least in Case 2) Case 4: … There are two different acceptable responses return results. ...


Just checking that you want “should” and not “shall” in the following: The Patient Resource(s) contained within the Query Patient Resource Response message should conform to Patient Profile for PDQm.


Case 1: The Patient Demographics Supplier finds in its information source the patient demographics record matching the resourceId sent in the HTTP request.


Case 2: The Patient Demographics Supplier fails to find in its information source the patient demographics record


The Patient Demographics Supplier’s response to a successful Retrieve Patient Resource message shall be an HTTP 200 (OK) Status code with a Patient Resource as defined in Patient Profile for PDQm, or an appropriate error code. as defined in Patient Profile for PDQm.