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Overall quantity of prescribed medication #42

Open rlindstrm opened 1 month ago

rlindstrm commented 1 month ago

In eHealth Network guideline, there is an element: image

In MyHealth@EU, there is an overall quantity per one package, and a number of packages. In case pack size is not actually defined, number of packages is still mandatory and filled in with "1" (in CDA SubstanceAdministration template supply.quantity) while overall amount is provided in medication object (in CDA ManufacturedMaterial template asContent.quantity).

In FHIR, MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.quantity is defined as "Amount of medication to supply per dispense", and there is no element for overall prescribed quantity.

Has this been a problem for national services? If so, how has it been solved in national IGs? Especially interested in cases where multiple dispensations are allowed, but the quantity per one dispensation is not defined.

Issue raised in Xt-EHR Task 6.2 meeting

rlindstrm commented 1 month ago

There's a discussion in Zulip: https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179249-Medication/topic/Number.20of.20prescribed.20packages

rlindstrm commented 1 month ago

From Martha: Regarding the DataSetRevision work in xtEHR 6.2 I have investigated how the different attributes are used in Norway.

Quantity of prescribed product We have two attributes for describing this in the prescription: Number of packages (0..1 decimal) and Quantity (0..1 PQ). If there is no content in the "number of packages", there shall be content in "quantity". This is typically when the prescriber uses "generic prescription", where neither the actual brand nor package are specified. This is profiled in FHIR as a extention to the MedicationStatement per now: R4 Medication | sfm-reseptamendment - SIMPLIFIER.NET (numberofpackages and amount)

rlindstrm commented 1 month ago

Swedish MedicationList

https://simplifier.net/swedishnationalmedicationlist/nllmedicationrequest MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest has two extensions: NumberOfPackagedPrescribed (pos integer) TotalQuantity (complex extension)

rlindstrm commented 1 week ago

Samuel Danhardt (Lux) In Luxembourg you only prescribe a posology, the quantity and the packaging quantity is calculated by the pharmacist according to specific reimbursement rules.

But maybe the problem is the same for the dispense?

Monstermanu commented 1 week ago

In France, as in Luxembourg, you only prescribe a posology. You might translate it into a number of packages if you want but as you prescribe in priority substance or vitual medication, this is rarely done.